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RE: Is The DAO going to be DOA?

in #crypto-news9 years ago (edited)

The truth is that the governance and politics of Bitshares 2.0 got completely out of hand, but nevertheless a good experiment. Starting with the high / low fees debate, which was a rather distracting affair.
Nevertheless, I would not consider governance and voting a failure, it was a very successful implementation. The beauty of being able to chose your proxy (ie xeroc) as you agree with most of his thoughts. But also being able to vote yourself, if not agreeing with a particular decision, it is something which should be implemented for all types of voting, or democracy.

Sadly this is not going to compensate for the fact that "dumb" can vote, which may or may not be interested on the future of the project , or even a country, but their own narrow minded interests. There is not an easy solution for that.

The capability to invest directly onto the developers i.e. "brownies, ags, pts" interested me more, as they are the ones who have the best ideas, doing the work, and have to pay their bills ;).

I hope the DAO will be that, a way to invest directly onto some projects / developers, not a full governance model for all the decisions to be made.


Using ETH as the currency as it has been said is not right, as we all know this will put pressure on ETH. A stable currency could have been used like the DAI to hold the value instead, which would not have added pressure to the price in the future and maintain its purchase value.

Dumb votes with the crowd