Crypto Reading List to Get Started

in #crypto-bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I get questions often "how do I start in Crypto?, "what are some good crypto books to read?", and "When moon?" . This post will focus on some Crypto reading materials to get you started and give you more confidence in your cryptocurrency investment choices. It should answer your question of what is a bitcoin, how does cryptocurrency work, how did crypto get started, to how do I properly give cryptocurrencies value from a traditional finance background.

The first place to start is the Bitcoin whitepaper. If you haven't read it yet it is a must before spending any money on cryptocurrency investments. If you do not read the whitepaper you are gambling because you heard a friend mention mention crypto one day. You will not have any idea what you are actually investing/buying and you will panic sell at a low. If you only read one of these please read the Bitcoin Whitepaper.

Bitcoin Whitepaper


Mastering Bitcoin


Mastering Bitcoin Github

Digital Gold


Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond


Age of CryptoCurrency


These books are just the start of a crypto education that will be done on

These books in this list are focused on the general history and background of crypto currency. The next book series will be a deeper dive into the technical part of crypto currencies. We will also be featuring a Trading and Technical Analysis book series in the coming weeks.