Whats your all time and/or current favorite "techno" song? Looking to build a new playlist.

Hey everyone! I'm looking to crowdsource myself a new playlist, so I thought I'd post up my current few favorites and you guys could comment with some songs of your own, thanks!

This one is quickly becoming a classic for me:

This one is one of the catchiest songs ever IMO:

Another catchy as they come beat:

The drops is real:

And another to top it off:

What do you think, can you find me similar/better songs to these types? Lets crowdsource me a playlist! I'll post it here after obviously as well.


This gives me a great opportunity to post my last DJ mix. :)
I recorded this a little over a year ago. Enjoy. :)


All-time favorite electronic music artist: Daft Punk

Still remember listening to this in 5th grade and being blown away!

Recently loving "dirtier" techno

And of course some video game electronica!

Daft Punk - Robot Rock

I wouldn't necessarily say this would be the best, but after hearing it on a twitch stream months back, it still won't get out of my head! Lol

Not even close to "Techno" but has me laughing my ass off

I'll admit in not a music person, but yea, seemed a good one to share :)
Glad you got a laugh.
Pretty sure I heard it on a Forsen Hearthstone stream :P

Anything by Chemical Brothers. Don't they have a new album out?

Old but good, this has got to be my fav "Techno"

I think "feel so close" if a better Calvin Harris one, but top tunes!!

Not sure i would qualify flylo as techno, but he's certainly got some roots there.

and here is a bonus:

How could you not include Feel Your Love?!

Maybe because I play it on repeat every day but still ...