Crowdini asks you 1 question a day. It takes 10 seconds to play and you get paid SBD
for voting. Check out yesterday’s results!
On how many accounts do you use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) or 2 step verification (2SV)?
0 (26%)1 (17%)
2 (18%)
3+ (37%)
Note: We give all voters the option to answer “Why did you choose this answer?” after voting. All comments made at are shown below as comments to this post. I hope you will respond and debate these results in the comments.
Current Game
- Game: Mardi Gras
- Length: Feb 12, 2018 - Feb 25, 2018
- Prize Pool: 45.0 SBD
- Points: Percentage System (see How to )
- Referrals: 5 points for each of the referrer and referred players. Max 25 points (see How to for what is needed to get a referral)
- Bonus: 100 points. If a question is labeled Bonus the players who choose the answer that actually happens will earn an extra 100 points.
(All prizes paid in SBD)
- First Prize - 50% of the prize pool
- Second Prize - 25% of the prize pool
- Third Prize - 15% of the prize pool
100% Participation Prize
- 10% of the prize pool split between:
- All players who voted in every question in the game and upvoted all results posts on Steemit for the game within the first 24 hours of the post publishing.
- If this is your first game you will be eligible if you vote in every question from the day you sign up to the end of the game and have upvoted all the results posts on Steemit starting from the day you joined.
- First, Second and Third place winners not eligible for 100% Prize.
What is Crowdini?
Crowdini is a question and answer game. We ask you to answer one question a day and give you points based on how your answer compares to the majority answer.
We have incorporated Steemit in a new innovative way. Read more about Crowdini and how we have incorporated Steemit in our intro post here.
At the end of the game the top 3 in points split 90% of the prize pool and all other players who voted on every question for that game will split 10% of the prize pool.
It is designed to be something you can do in a few seconds a day but hopefully sparks conversation and thought.
Sign up and play today at .
I answered
I use it on everything possible, especially if money is involved. Steemit doesn't have it and apparently it's not to easy to add as you just have a key to sign your transactions. Can still use it on things like Lastpass to keep your key safe
I agree with using it on everything you can. I should have made that point in today's email. :)
I answered +3 too, and yeah... While it's pain to use. It's %300 more safe that it should be considered a bargain if there's money related.
It's a lot to keep up with when it comes to passwords and secondary question answers, but that's what we have to do now to keep all our info safe. 😎
Definitely is. Do you use a password manager to help with that?
Not yet. I have a pornographic memory, but I still write everything down. 😂
I answered
Absolutely need it to change my fantasy lineups from remote devices!
I answered
I think it’s just my bank and Steam. That’s pretty much all the places my money are :(
I answered
I try to only use password or finger.
I answered
They are 2.
I answered
I'm not telling. 😝
I answered
I cannot figure out how to do it actually.
I am happy to help if you want help. :)
I answered
I should, but I don't.
Take a few minutes and just secure your email and bank accounts at least. It is worth the effort.
I answered
I have no earthly idea what you’re talking about. :(
Make sure you check today's email. There are tips to get started there. :)
I answered
Credit card and my Bitcoin wallet offer two factor.
I answered
Don't actually know how many, but it's at least 3!
I answered
just the ones that involve financial info like crypto wallets and bank accounts
I answered
Better to be safe than sorry
I answered
Too many to count.
I answered
I use it every account that offers it. You can't be too careful anymore.
As of 1:15 pm eastern on February 19, 2018 the Steemconnect issue was fixed.
You will need to relink your Steem accounts at if you haven't after 1:15pm eastern on Feb 19, 2018.
Below are the users who didn't autovote because their tokens were expired. You will want to manually upvote if you are going for the 100% Prize.
@airjmo23, @benmarvin, @joydivisyon, @jdev95, @ratticus,
If you relink your account please reply to this comment and let me know so I can track again just to be sure.
@crowdini - what happened to the payouts? Why are the last couple days post rewards down so much from before?
This is the cause of two factors...
Might be worth a quick mention to the email chain and a detailed thread on here if they have further questions about the bots and promotions.
Yep I agree. I will try to put it in the email tomorrow.