Here is some information about Crowd1.
What is Crowd1?
Crowd1 is a 100% global online network company. You can purchase valuable membership packages and receive free Owner Rights, which give us access to the extremely lucrative casino and gaming industry. (Your Owner Rights are securely stored in the form of tokens in the Smartcontract).
This way you earn a regular amount of money through the partner companies Affilgo and Miggster (Gambling and Gaming Apps) without being directly connected to them.
In addition, the value of the ownership rights increases continuously. Since the company was founded in January 2019, the value of the property rights has multiplied by more than 1500% from approx. 1 cent. As of today (16.02.2020) the value of the property rights is - AffilGO = $2.57 per token and Miggster = $0.81 per token.
Everything runs 100% on the app (download via Googleplay or Appstore) and is accessible to all people with smartphones all over the world.
The company headquarters
2019 Crowd Network LTD
HDS Tower, Unit No 3408
Jumeirah Lakes Tower PO Box
393243 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Registration number: ICC20160342
🏦Weitere Company headquarters 2020:
Stockholm, Sweden
Manila, Philippines
Johannesburg, South Africa
Malaga, Spain
London, UKV
More corporate offices are to follow...
Founder: Sir Jonas Eric Werner (Sweden)
Ceo: Johan Stael of Holstein ( Sweden )
Chief of Sales: Peter Jacobson (Sweden)
Ref link:
🔺Wie does it work?
You can purchase the following member packages including free ownership of Miggster and Affilgo:
White: 99 euros
Black: 299 Euro
Gold: 799 Euro
Titanium: 2499 Euro
The package can be upgraded at any time.
With the purchased packages you secure so-called ownership rights, which are constantly increasing in value. In addition, you get a place in the binary tree in the matrix of two. Automatically worldwide partners are placed under you and generate income through the streamline bonus.
So you earn solely through the investment.
If you recruit further partners, you can increase your income to the maximum:
✔Fear of Loss Bonus:
If you recruit 4 partners within 14 days, you will get back more than your own investment after successful investment of the recruited partners.
- 4 direct partners with one White Pack each = your earnings € 125
- 4 direct partners with one Black Pack each = your earnings € 375
- 4 direct partners with one Gold Pack each = your earnings € 1.000
- 4 direct partners with one Titanium Pack each = your earnings € 3.000
✔Zusätzlich there is the affiliate bonus:
Two new members on each side of the tree
✔Matching Bonus, Binary Bonus and various Network Levels, Poison Codes etc.
This will also come soon:
✔Es will soon give a credit card to which the earnings can be booked and with which you can pay as usual.
What are the singular possibilities?
- BTC, ETH, or bank transfer
The business starts immediately after successful registration and you have a few days to pay.
The information is so extensive that not all of them can be written here.
Start now and join the currently fastest growing network in the world...