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RE: Happy Valentine's Day, me.

in #crow3 years ago (edited)

Hand-picked flowers are the best. Especially if he sneaks into someone's garden after dark and picks the prize-winning dahlia and then the lights turn on and some old lady bursts out of the house and chases him down the street with a broom and a shihtzu.

I have made myself a few lovely romantic meals and it was indeed quite nice. To be fair, I shared the meals with Pilot, so I was in good company, not really alone, but sans humans. Probably also in underwear or some form of comfy pants and not any scratchy sheer flimsy piece of cloth that makes me feel like I'm pretending to be something I'm not.


I can see that shih tzu snarling with its millimeter long teeth and pink bows bouncing in its hair, and the old lady with her denture missing and her pink rollers. They are a fearsome pair:)

Pilot is a charming date I'm sure. Big Dog is too. He is sleeping at my side while I write this.

Dogs do make excellent dates, and always compliment the cooking, even if you don't share it with them.

Hi Big Dog!

He sends you a snort. I assure you that is a very polite pleasantry.

Oh!!! I am quite flattered! A dog snort is high praise.