Population Growth not necessarily an evil...

in #crossculture4 years ago

When you first arrive in Europe, the first thing you feel is how crowded the place is, especially in the western part. Nigeria for example.

A Nigerian Market ![rtx2wc3q.jpg](

A small country like France, which is five times smaller than the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has roughly the same population: 67 million. The UK is smaller than Gabon, but has a population of over 60 million, compared to just over 1.5 million. The worst example is a micro-country like Belgium (just over 30,000 km2, 167 times smaller than the Congo) with 11 million inhabitants. This represents 365 people per square km, against 30 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The first question you ask yourself is how do they manage to feed themselves on a resource-poor continent like Europe? Why do they have so many children when Europe is already the only continent that has sent more than 500 million economic and political refugees to other richer regions of the world during the last five centuries? Is it because of the high fertility rate of your men or because of the cold that forces them to spend a lot of time indoors with a single activity… making love!

For many concerned about overpopulation, Africa is the center of attention due to its recent population growth. But the concept of overpopulation is a fraud and a convenient ideology, since it ignores the impact per capita (for one person) and focuses on simple numbers.

In reality, the United States consumes 25% of the world's resources while its population represents only 5% of the total. The West as a bloc, the United States and Europe, represent just under 15% of the world's population, but its consumption far exceeds most of the rest of the world, according to a study, according to a study, the United States, Europe and Japan absorb together 80% of the world's natural resources.

Africa as a whole has a smaller population than China and a total GDP that is half that of a small country like France. Given that this is an already overcrowded continent, it is surprising that many European countries encourage families to have more babies. And, for an already depopulated continent, Africa is full of Western experts on overpopulation donating money to NGOs and governments to stop population growth. Meanwhile, China is abandoning its one-child policy to increase its population.

Only in Africa do we speak of population reduction financed by Western governments and NGOs. Is it because Africa does not have the resources to feed 2 billion people? No. This is because other countries, on the other hand, want these resources for their own people.

I hope it doesn't bite into this new secret war against the poor, another distraction from the real culprits. The world is overpopulated, so let's have less wealthy people. This should be the actual program.