Can't stop the Hustle

in #crochet4 years ago


This is the result of my last week, working constantly for crochet orders, some of them are time sensitive so I'm doing my best to ship ASAP.


This was the first attempt of the porg, eyes,way too far apart, now a cat toy.


The finished porg <3


Baby cat this cold morning.


A cactus hat I'm making for a soon to be 7 year old girl, one of those time sensitive projects because it's for her birthday.

Stay tuned, lots of photo updates to come from Yule!


It's amazing to see your art evolve and expand, @highlyfunctional . Like you, I 'spose. I have no doubt that you can make ANYthing. Love these creations. So lively and animated.

Before starting this business I had some doubt. But these porg projects taught me that I can figure it out even if I gotta do it ten times LOL