in #crm5 years ago

Let’s guess: you didn’t even suspect how much routine is in your business that devours time with the appetite of a hungry division? This article will focus on CRM systems, specialized software implemented to automate most processes. After reading the text, you will find answers to the questions: what are CRM systems, what types of CRM systems are there and whether it is necessary to implement this technology specifically for your enterprise CRM systems are software products used to automate and optimize customer interactions. This software allows you to control calls and correspondence with customers, while collecting statistics and organizing them. The need for such a system arose at the turn of the 80s-90s, when interaction with customers passed through talented managers who could say the right words and convince the client. Such nuggets were valued and often lured into a competing structure. When leaving, they took part of the client base with them and often became the cause of the bankruptcy of even large companies. With the advent of CRM systems for sales, the company's dependence on a particular person has significantly decreased.

Who needs to implement a CRM system
If you ask for an explanation of the essence of CRM systems in simple words, you won’t get the right answer. The fact is that these applications differ in their capabilities and characteristics as scissors differ from an eagle. This gives developers the ability to manipulate information and convince you that it is his application that is the true CRM, and other companies incorrectly interpret this term. That's because the term is very vague and even an Exel-table or a hotel guest book can be considered an example of CRM systems for business, albeit pretty outdated. Therefore, first you need to figure out if you really need this software. First of all, systematic and analytical applications are extremely mandatory for managers of large, small and medium-sized businesses, if their area of ​​activity involves direct work with clients and is aimed at increasing their number. They allow: not dependent on the human factor. For example, the CRM system for sales eliminates the scenario in which the employee responsible for interacting with customers quit, went on vacation, fell ill and took with him the entire customer base, paralyzing the work of the company. She will help a new employee to get used to the databases faster; implement comprehensive statistics, based on which you can accurately track the number of sales, timely respond to the loss of positions and change the strategy, increasing profits. A modern online store , a company engaged in wholesale sales, firms specializing in the provision of services are very dependent on the loyalty of each client. No matter how your site is convenient, and advertising is catchy and attractive, one unsatisfied customer is enough to significantly damage the reputation of the company. CRM systems are designed to ensure that every appeal to the company is recorded and processed. This is especially important for young and growing companies. On the other hand, if you are engaged in offline retail trade, or your business is based on long-term contracts, and you meet with each client personally, the CRM efficiency will be minimal.

Advantages of CMR Systems for Sales
Turning to our company, many entrepreneurs, even if they are aware of the existence of CRM systems, do not see them as an urgent need. Why buy a paid program, or use the free version, if customers can be counted on the fingers of all four employees, and it’s easier to work with customers directly. As practice shows, such a need exists. However, it is extremely difficult to back it up with statistics, since the system does not guarantee direct sales increases, but rather is a tool for automating the process of customer relationship. That is, on its own, it will not attract customers and will not satisfy their needs. However, with the right use of CRM, you will significantly unload managers, thereby increasing their effectiveness. Thanks to these hardware-integrated products, you: You will be able to record every incoming request, which in the conditions of high competition is a good help; You can use ready-made tools implemented in the system, which will allow a beginner to get rid of the most commonplace errors, and experienced employees to find non-obvious solutions to problems; standardize the work of employees, making it easier to control its quality; accumulate a good statistical base, as all information will be collected on one “medium” (especially useful for companies in which managers work both in the office and remotely).

Cons CRM systems
Significant disadvantages of using CRM software are only two. The first of these concerns the human factor. Often, the staff with hostility perceives the introduction of such a system, since they consider it a source of additional work, without seeing any advantages. The problem is usually resolved over time on its own, but it will be useful in a timely manner and with specific examples to explain all the advantages of introducing this system into the organization. The second negative point concerns the technical aspect. If the CRM fails, all the work that is done in it stops. Most developers offering a mass product monitor the status of the system and minimize the possibility of a breakdown. The likelihood of getting into an unreliable product increases in inverse proportion to the popularity of this software. Anyway

Types of CRM Systems
Analytical programs differ in purpose, method of organization, the ability to collect and process information and the possibility of implementing individual solutions. By appointment, CRM are divided into: sales management systems. They implement the functions of loss and profit analysis, sales forecast, etc. marketing management systems. The CRM data provides the results of marketing companies, on the basis of which a decision is made to change the strategy, or its further use; systems necessary for customer service. Magic wand for various call centers and companies working with a large array of customers. This software captures each appeal to the company, processes it and creates useful statistics. Depending on the level of information collection, there are such types of CRM: operating rooms. Designed for quick access to customer data; analytical. not only collect, but also analyze the information received; collaborative. Allow the client to interact with the company, influencing its internal processes. For example, such a system implements surveys of the quality of service or product, offers the client to track the route of their goods, notifies them (via SMS or email) of important events for him, etc. The organization method divided CRM into two categories: Saas, in which information is stored in cloud services. Easy to use, do not require the purchase of additional equipment and maintenance costs; Standalone, in which information is stored on its own server. The advantage of such a system is a high level of data security and the ability to change it to meet specific needs.
Depending on the level of individuality of decisions, you can choose: adapted boxed version. It is developed with a set of the most useful features and is used by most companies. individual system. its implementation does not use templates, and the finished product is intended solely for the needs of your particular company.

How to choose the right CRM system for your organization
Choosing a CRM system for yourself should be done in stages: determine the goals and objectives that need to be addressed. In this paragraph, you understand whether you really need a CRM system, and if necessary, why. For example, you go to improve the quality of customer service, or evaluate the work of staff, or combine sales management mechanisms; conduct a market research of CRM systems and find several options that most closely match your needs. Out of several dozens, you are lucky if you get at least five more or less relevant to your needs. You can get a system that is completely tailored for one specific scheme only by writing it yourself; estimate the level of expenses. It is worth paying attention to the fact that some developers of CRM systems offer new customers more favorable conditions that last only a few months. According to experts, on average, the implementation of a CRM system increases sales growth up to 20%. Compare this data with the cost of acquisition and support of this software. In addition, there is a niche of free CRMs that are great for small businesses. to assemble from managers who will subsequently work with CRM a “testing team”. It is worth saying that most CRM systems offer the user a free trial period. This time is not enough to reveal all the capabilities of the system, but enough to master the principles of its operation and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Parameters of a quality CRM system
There are no uniform parameters for a good CRM, since it all depends on the specific features of your project. However, the most useful functions are: telephony integration. It is implemented in two ways: using the browser directly or using third-party methods. The second option is more expensive, but has great potential; ready-made integration API solutions. The CRM that suits you should easily integrate with the site and other programs and services that you work with; planning and work with tasks. A very important point responsible for the interaction between staff. A successful solution can automate many routine processes and, in addition, record the work of employees; integration with sms server. It allows you to easily make various SMS mailings, which significantly increases the number of leads; the presence of localization. A key parameter because of which domestic CRM systems occupy high positions in various ratings. Significantly simplifies the development of the system by employees.

Does the CRM system turn your work into a vacation overseas? Not. Is she able to significantly change the workflow, promote the site , attract customers without the constant participation of company employees? More likely no than yes. Will this system make your work easier by automating many routine tasks, facilitating the process of interaction between employees and collecting enough statistics to improve the development strategy of the company? Very yes.


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