Time to find a cure for stupid governments

in #crisisyesterday

I've been thinking for quite some time that; one of the fastest ways for me to experience disappointment is to wait for governments to fix my problems. I mean I get it, and frankly in an ideal world it should be like that, but alas the world we live in is pretty much the antithesis of ideal, and part of growing up is realizing nobody is coming to solve your problems.

src: stephanspencer

Yesterday I put up a video in my Spanish social networks, a probe if you will, to see if people want to stop sitting on their hands and attempt to come up with a sensible solution to the energetic crisis the country is experiencing at the moment.

You see, getting ready to begin the construction of a small solar setup for my house, since having solar power in my shop has been one of the best calls I've made in the last five years. And, quoting state farm, being a good neighbor, it occurred to me it would be helpful to all looking for a solution to benefit from understanding the basics, and thus becoming informed consumers.

My plan is simple, the solar setup, the panels at least would be up and running god willing in a month, then we could do an event, with rsvp mind you, and invite my friend who sold me the panels to do a small speech and a demonstration of the solar system. Set correct expectations, answer questions, etc.

What is the catch I imagine you thinking. None, I mean, nothing nefarious at least. I would make myself available to those who decided to install solar in their homes and businesses, giving the locals some sort of tech support, which I'm sure they would need.

Transparency is the name of the game. If you asked me what I would like to achieve with this, it would be for us, my family and me, to live in a more safe and resilient community primarily.

Now before you think that I may be buying and recommending people to buy elephant rifles for killing pigeons; You should know that the government here has resorted to praying for rain. Yes, the plan was and is "don't worry, it has to rain eventually" and frankly; one has to laugh to prevent the mind from being seduced by nihilistic thoughts.

As a matter of fact and to add emphasis to my point, i’ll tell you that my cousin, who is also my next door neighbor (important to know, I think) told me yesterday she saw a report that estimated the drought to extend until March of next year, so this 10 hours a day of blackout is expected until then. Which I'm sure you are thinking: Wait… that would be disastrous and unacceptable to any administration but alas this is South America my friend, which translates to, just another Tuesday for us folk.

Or I guess we can all sit and wait for rain, put up a totem or something. But, me, and my “I'm not dead yet” attitude tells me it’s time we all get creative, it’s time to get resourceful.


The first problem here is "govern-cements are not stupid"
A structure is what it does. Do not listen to the words.
The govern-cement is doing exactly what it is designed to do.

Second the govern-cement is not very capable of helping you.
A mayor, governor… is elected based on how well they can talk.
And someone who talks really well is usually useless at doing engineering or any other kind of help.

When teaching people about solar, you usually want one solar panel, one charge controller, one battery, one inverter, that will turn on a light bulb. Show them how to hook up that, and everything else is just more of that. You have taught them all they need to know.

For the rain, look up "Orgone Energy" and "Cloud buster"

If you need drinking water, you can run an inefficient air conditioner, that pulls moisture out of the air.

man, what a rabbit hole you just sent me into

I predict Tesla sales will be poor for the foreseeable future there.

Nothing wrong with wishing for things, but doing something to ensure you have what you need I have always found more effective.


ive been watching videos all night of thermal generators... talk about prepper stuff... super cool.

Do you do solar or any off grid stuff?

Yes. I have solar panels, batteries, and inverters on my trucks, so I can work remotely - or have power for whatever.