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RE: Time to find a cure for stupid governments

The first problem here is "govern-cements are not stupid"
A structure is what it does. Do not listen to the words.
The govern-cement is doing exactly what it is designed to do.

Second the govern-cement is not very capable of helping you.
A mayor, governor… is elected based on how well they can talk.
And someone who talks really well is usually useless at doing engineering or any other kind of help.

When teaching people about solar, you usually want one solar panel, one charge controller, one battery, one inverter, that will turn on a light bulb. Show them how to hook up that, and everything else is just more of that. You have taught them all they need to know.

For the rain, look up "Orgone Energy" and "Cloud buster"

If you need drinking water, you can run an inefficient air conditioner, that pulls moisture out of the air.


man, what a rabbit hole you just sent me into