To begin with, I really dislike the term “black crime”. It is pejorative to all the upper-class, middle-class, and poor people working 2 or 3 jobs a day that share nothing more with some criminals than skin color. Yet, that is the term that most people from every group use to describe the problems of crime in the black community.
All That Kneeling Ignores the Real Cause of Soaring Black Homicides
n 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to The Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the misleading Narrative that Crime is at it's lowest point in recent history...
Violent crime has now risen by a significant amount for two consecutive years. The total number of violent crimes rose 4.1 percent in 2016, and estimated homicides rose 8.6 percent.
So why does the Establishment push BLM lies so hard?
It's not for the benefit of the black community, for sure...
The Political Class does NOT care about black folks - The Little Rock shooting
The folks pushing racial division and blaming ( i.e those that lied about the Brown and Martin shootings...those that hide suspect descriptions in other cases) are the same folks that push policy that sabotages black communities (high minimum wages, ebonics, lowered educational standards etc).
Coincidentally, these folks adhere to the political party that benefits from the welfare-vote plantation the most, the Democrats
Two "systems" of racism; which is more likely
It is easy to make the argument then, that the democrats sabotage the black community intentionally to maintain a stable voting population
Race and Crime are complex issues.
One problem with humanity is that we want easy solutions. The most common way to do this is to simplify the problem to one cause, and then dump the solution to that one cause off on someone else. This tendency is what do-gooders and rent-seekers bottom-feed from.
I don't mean to suggest here that Establishment corruption is the only source of problems in the black community, but the likelihood of that possibility must be examined in relation to all other possible factors, which do include racism.
Additional Reading
Race and Crime
San Francisco, Race, and Crime
Democrats or statists/politicians as a whole need victims, so they've created a victim-class. The victim class is mostly minorities, but also an increasing number of whites (your typical lower middle class college student with 100k debt and no future)
The victim class believes that they are victims of some ghost, like "institutionalized racism" which is exactly that - a ghost. No one knows if it exist or what it is supposed to be. Or they are victims of the past. Or they are victims of capitalism.
You could also refer to them as the parasitical-class. Now that they are victims they need someone to suck dry. Politicians also need someone to suck dry, and to enforce/legitimize their violence they need democracy. Democracy is pretty crazy. The majority can decide to steal, threat and pretty much do what they want to the minority.
As the parasitical-class increases in numbers both the politicians and victims have full control of their host (real workers, people who try, people who do, people who try to be better, people who dont complain, people who try to be better versions of themselves)
This is of course pure evil. And it doesnt make anyone happy -except the psychopaths that want this to happen.
Did you know that the same thing happens to Ants? Only about half of the population in the anthill are working. The rest doesnt do anything. The workers tolerate this. But only to a certain degree. When there are bad times, scarcity and whatnot, the soldier ants kills of the unproductive ants.
it's the result of human nature
most people are lazy, and will go with the easy answer (socialism, slavery) as long as they dont have to exert themselves in thinking or in standing out from the crowd.
Pretty much
It is primarily about the narrative, first and foremost. The goal is control and the dissolution of the society. Solving the problems of crime committed by anyone works against that goal.
Moveover, solving these problems would then cast a big light on the things that caused them in the first place and that threatens the power-base of those that wield it.
that's a pretty good summary and commentary
as you said the subject is complex.
therefore it is beyond the scope of the news media.
they aren't interested in complex answers.
they aren't interested in any answers that don't advance the leftist/globalist agenda ;>
(I should have this one on a txt file for copypasta)
all humans MIGHT be equal
all cultures are observably NOT.
The (gangsta) black culture sux.
why that "gangster" segment is a thing
and gangsters/ gangs are really community members/builders well at-least they were until gangs became businesses(but for the sake of this argument lets not get into that )
every culture that immigrates here historically faces immediate persecution, quarantine and usually gets mistreated to a certain extent until they prove they are American enough to stay.
this cycle forces immigrants to group up and protect themselves because there is safety in numbers
this group gets a name and its members have interests.
how this gets perverted over time is dependent on environment and opportunity.
most immigrating cultures usually make a point to have their bilingual children appear as American as possible to avoid the constant racism within America from a small % of its citizens.
yup..could be.
there's a crappy segment of every culture!
its never the majority and its never the culture
its just people who care for themselves more,
than they care for the system as a whole.
That would be me.
I care for me and mine
(those within my cognosphere)
a lot more than I care for the system as a whole
(those outside of it)
systems/ cultures are inventions.
not all inventions are created equal
Sturgeon's law applies.
i completely agree and would fall into that same category myself, but i think to alleviate pretty much all the problems have enough respect to "agree to disagree"and move on.
I agree to disagree with people who are wrong.
No problem there.
The problem comes when the crappy segment is given unequivocal support from the wider community I'll give two examples
I replied
" You know what a piece of shit this guy is, you know what he does to women"
To which they replied
"Yes, but can you please reconsider?"
"Fuck, No" was my reply.
So yes every group has its assholes, but if your group makes excuses for assholes then your group is an asshole!( Sorry if that last line sounds harsh but I couldn't stop myself from riffing on the saying "If you meet an asshole in the morning, then you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day then your an asshole!" Heard that saying from the Best TV show Justified based on the story by Elmore Leonard)
I like your use of parentheses, and wonder who's pushing those values on the blacks? ...
when black people complain about white racism and black people dying at the hands of white people its the 1st and 2nd values on the FBI chart there comparing and saying. we do not kill you nearly as much as you kill us. we could change things but instead we would rather point this out or call you racist since you clearly do not value our kindness towards you. considering slavery and the Jim Crow/ Civil Rights era.
When white people reference white people killing blacks they compare the 1st and the 4th values on the FBI chart usually saying hey we don't nearly kill you as much as you kill your own, if you had more respect for each other and our system we would have more respect for you.
Blacks are from a more agrarian communal culture where we have different more moral based laws at least sentimentally and where those cross over with the morals of other races that's where the problems tend to pronounce them selves most often. the blacks that have no respect for any system are the ones who end up dead in most cases, and that's usually ok for the most part. its the Eric Garner type cases that get people riled up.
I get the basics of what you're saying, but if you'll take a bit of criticism...when we say "the blacks do this" or "the whites do that", or when we (everybody) says we and them in reference to race differences, it automatically sets off folk's race alarms.
There is a lot less differences in white folk and black folk than is portrayed in the media...especially when black communities and individuals are outside the influence of the democratic party!
To me, it's cultural... a person understands the base values of America are liberty and personal responsibility, or they aint American.
Race is not a concern for me except in it's use in Cultural Marxist identity politcs
using those terms no doubt sets off alarms in peoples minds.
but for me i have very little information to define my starting position from so i must generalize.
most people in America if educated understand that for the system to work everyone must buy in. but when you go to history class learn that your races slave labor played a large part in building this country or later learn that your teacher skipped that lesson, you start to form your own opinions, or say you learn how all the African-american soldiers from ww2 left racism at home to fight for America only to be treated as inferior soldiers and return home to racism even after fighting and dying for the country like a good citizen.
when you learn your people have been historically mistreated by people who still exist, the average human thought is "get even" not try to understand why.
it's an easy thing to do, and it's sets folks off b/c race is such an emotional issue for most people
Black criminals are easier to catch... Just play the National Anthem and they take a knee!
/covers face
The rise in the murder rate in Chicago alone since BLM began their agitation is enough for me to condemn their whole narrative. There is a huge problem with systemic racism in the U.S. and its the racism of black people against everyone else especially white people and I cite as a source any one of the thousands of videos by Colin Flaherty document the racist attacks by black people on white people(and asian, hispanic and gay people).
A big part of this phenomenon is the assumption of racism because someone is white. In my city the chinese people(not the westernized chinese people) are known for having a very gruff manner(some would say their rude) but I have found that once you get to know them( and they realize you don't hate or look down on them) this changes to over the top friendliness.
When I worked in a in a Hip-Hop club with a %50 to %70 black clientele ( which in my city is a very big concentration) and would kick out a black person from the U.S. they would accuse me of being racist. "No you jerk I'm kicking you out because you can't stand without me holding you up". This never happened with black people from Nigeria, Columbia, Somalia, Jamaica or Zimbabwe.
Sometimes you need to remove the log from your own eye before worrying about the speck in someone else's.
but it's not all black folks, which is what I'm trying to stress; this happens in communities that the democrats have sabotaged and taught this attitude.
So yes, there is a prevalent attitude of racism in American blacks (one of the posts I've cited goes back to the attitude where trying to further on'es education is "acting white")
That doesn't mean there isn't racism in some whites, too, but it is the necessity of recognizing all possible causes and trying to find out which the the greatest.
Flaherty does good work, which wouldn't be necessary if the Ministry of Truth was actually an agent of news.
Of course its not all black people as a matter of fact its often black people who save people getting attacked. All the different groups are racist in one way or another, hell we didn't like people from the town across the river when I grew up! But racist attitudes or not liking some group is a whole different story than Raping, Murdering and Terrorizing people because of there race. I'm not saying that white racism isn't bad just that black racism is much, much worse and many people deny it exists at all.
I get you; discussing this issue is walking a minefield, not just from the fake outrage of the Left, but that race is a very personal issue for most people