Dark and Twisty - A Clear Example of MOB Mentality - The Torture and Killing of Sylvia Likens (TRIGGER WARNING, do not read if easily distressed)

in #crime7 years ago

Trigger Warning

This post contains extremely disturbing content, viewer discretion advised.

True Crime has always been something that interests me. I am particularly interested in older crimes, because I am able to create a disconnect from them more easily. The case of Sylvia Likens is perhaps the most disturbing case I have ever researched. I have done extensive research on this crime in the past, have watched videos and the 2007 movie "The Girl Next Door" that was loosely based on this crime, I even read the court transcripts from the trials. This week this disturbing case was thrust back into my view, and Sylvia's case reminded me once again of how evil humans can be, and how MOB mentality actually can and does occur.

Sylvia Marie Likens

Over 50 years ago in Indiana the horrific torture, and eventual death of Sylvia Likens occurred. This torture spanned for over 3 months and was executed by several participants. Justice was never adequately obtained and none of the participants seemed to be ashamed of their actions. Sylvia's torture became a form of entertainment for the participants. Several other people enjoyed witnessing it occurring without actually participating, I believe they are culpable as well, as they did nothing to stop it, and never alerted authorities.

In the summer of 1965, when she was 16 years old, Sylvia Liken's father left her and one of her siblings in the care of Gertrude Baniszewski. Mr. Liken's needed a caregiver for his children so he could return to work at the carnival. The payment for caring for the girls was decided on as $20 per week. The living arrangement was initially pleasant for the girls, but when their father's payment was late the second week, the abuse gradually began. Gertrude would cite lying and stealing as the reason for the horrible abuse she inflicted on Sylvia, but it is apparent that she was dealing with some sort of mental illness. Gertrude had several health issues, which made it difficult for her to always carry out the abuse, the "punishment" (abuse) initially became the responsibility of Paula (17), Gertrude's oldest daughter. Before long, Gertrude's other children were participating in the torture, along with a slew of the neighborhood kids.

The abuse was initially mild, Sylvia attended school, stayed with the other children in a bedroom, and was not experiencing neglect at this time. It did not take long for the discipline to turn into a sick obsession, resulting in severe abuse and extreme neglect. As if being beaten being regularly by Gertrude, Gertrude's children and several other children from the neighborhood was not tragic enough, Syliva was recipient of many other types of unbelievable atrocities. Eventually, Gertrude claimed that Sylvia was no longer residing at her house, and had her son throw Sylvia down the basement steps. In the weeks before being pulled out of school and exiled to the basement, Sylvia was being regularly beaten, and not being fed properly. She was also being burned with cigarettes, had her fingertips burned with matches and was forced to undress and sexually assault herself with a coke bottle during this time.

Once Sylvia was locked in the basement, things became worse. Once in the basement Sylvia was stripped naked, was given very little food and water, and was subjected to "baths" in which Gertrude would pour scalding hot water on her and rub salt into her open wounds. Sylvia was subjected to regular beatings, burnings, and sexual assault in the weeks that followed, she was forced to eat her own feces and was branded with a hot needle. Torturing Sylvia became an after school activity with the only adult involved (Gertrude) ordering and encouraging the children to partake in the abuse, assuring them that Sylvia somehow deserved it. Sylvia would never again leave the basement aside from an escape attempt the day before her death (which resulted in a severe beating from Gertrude, and when her lifeless body was carried upstairs by Gertrude's children as they tried to stage an elaborate story to try hide their roles in her death.

After Sylvia died, the police arrested several people. Gertrude's story about Sylvia's death was not believable. Gertrude had claimed that Sylvia had left with some teenage boys and showed up back at the house raped and beaten, which resulted in her death. Jenny (Sylvia's sister) told the police everything. Four of Gertrude's children, including her 10 year old daughter and a couple of the neighborhood children eventually confessed to their participation in the torture. Gertrude tried to plead not guilty by reason of insanity, but that plea was not allowed. In the end, only 5 people were charged and convicted in her torture and death including; Gertrude, two of her children Paula (17), and John (13) and two other teenagers Coy Hubbard (15) and Richard Hobbs (15). None of them served their full sentences, and even the mastermind Gertrude only served 20 years.

The official cause of Sylvia's death was determined to be swelling of the brain, and shock. She had over 150 different marks (bruises, cuts and burns) on her body and had injuries that were in several stages of healing. Sylvia died because several people participated in torturing her. This is a clear example of Mob Mentality, and a sad reminder that some humans are actually monsters in disguise.

I will leave you with this excellent quote I stumbled upon while researching mob mentality:

"Although humans exhibit strong preferences for equity and moral prohibitions against harm in many contexts, people's priorities change when there is an 'us' and a 'them. A group of people will often engage in actions that are contrary to the private moral standards of each individual in that group, sweeping otherwise decent individuals into 'mobs' that commit looting, vandalism, even physical brutality."
-Rebecca Saxe

Thanks for reading-



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Really f*cked up story! I can't believe he only served 20 years. It's insane to see how some people evolve in such evil creatures.

Your last quote reminds me about a story about children on an island where group dynamics start to evolve and where sub-groups develop. The book is called "Lord of the Flies". It's an interesting read.

That us and them mentality is something you can clearly see in our world in every layer of society.

By the way I still don't know what "Mob" mentality means. Maybe I missed it?

But interesting read! Have a good day :)

"Lord of the Flies" was required reading for me in school so I agree that this is perhaps similar. Mob mentality is summed up by the quote at the end of the post. Thanks for reading.

A lot of the comments down here say all my questions already.

How the crap didnt all these people serve their whole sentence?
All of this is so damn disturbing, especially that all the kids are involved. This is neutured behavipr, taught behavior making them into miserable humans. Not only Sylvias life ended, but Gertrude mades these kids into monsters. Imagine what that does to kids.

Power does a lot of nasty things to people.. yuk!Same as what @mysted says: immediately lord of the flies came to mind by me. But also the Stanford experiment with the two groups of students, feom which 1 group were turned into prisoners and 1 group into guards.

Yes the stanford experiment is super twisted too. It makes me realize how easily people can be influenced to go against what is right.

Peer pressure ....also a gigantic influence in this one...Group pressure.

Most likely also applicable to Gertrudes kids :(

The girl next door was not good at all and very bad based on the crime. Did you saw the movie An American Crime "The Sylvia Likens story"? It is much better but not as good as your post damn you got me with it.

Danyelk, yes! Thanks for the name of that, that was the first one I watched, but couldn't remember the name.

Your welcome :)

Oh hell..
This sends chills down my spine.
What is wrong with us

hi pretty i like you

I like this article, the story is so deep, it even makes the people who read it become goosebumps

I am looking forward to your next post.

nice post


i like :)

Very nic posts

well post keep it up...... thanks for shareing

What such cruel and sad story. I hope that woman has had her punishment from God!