
why that "gangster" segment is a thing
and gangsters/ gangs are really community members/builders well at-least they were until gangs became businesses(but for the sake of this argument lets not get into that )
every culture that immigrates here historically faces immediate persecution, quarantine and usually gets mistreated to a certain extent until they prove they are American enough to stay.
this cycle forces immigrants to group up and protect themselves because there is safety in numbers
this group gets a name and its members have interests.
how this gets perverted over time is dependent on environment and opportunity.
most immigrating cultures usually make a point to have their bilingual children appear as American as possible to avoid the constant racism within America from a small % of its citizens.

yup..could be.

there's a crappy segment of every culture!
its never the majority and its never the culture
its just people who care for themselves more,
than they care for the system as a whole.

That would be me.
I care for me and mine
(those within my cognosphere)
a lot more than I care for the system as a whole
(those outside of it)
systems/ cultures are inventions.
not all inventions are created equal
Sturgeon's law applies.

i completely agree and would fall into that same category myself, but i think to alleviate pretty much all the problems have enough respect to "agree to disagree"and move on.

I agree to disagree with people who are wrong.
No problem there.

The problem comes when the crappy segment is given unequivocal support from the wider community I'll give two examples

  1. When violent criminals are killed while committing violent crimes and the black community blames racism and riots committing more violent crime. How many people died because Rodney King was an asshole who led police on a high speed chase and wouldn't submit to arrest( over a hundred)
  2. This young Saudi man always came to my nightclub, many times he would see a really drunk girl and try to lead them away, when I stopped him he would always say she is my girlfriend and the girl would always say I don't know this guy. Well one time this young man grabbed a women by her vagina and I had had enough. So I beat him, kicked him out the hard way and banned him from my club. The next weekend a few Saudi girls who I knew very well and consider my friends approached me and asked me to reconsider my banning of said young man.
    I replied
    " You know what a piece of shit this guy is, you know what he does to women"
    To which they replied
    "Yes, but can you please reconsider?"
    "Fuck, No" was my reply.
    So yes every group has its assholes, but if your group makes excuses for assholes then your group is an asshole!( Sorry if that last line sounds harsh but I couldn't stop myself from riffing on the saying "If you meet an asshole in the morning, then you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day then your an asshole!" Heard that saying from the Best TV show Justified based on the story by Elmore Leonard)

all cultures are observably NOT

I like your use of parentheses, and wonder who's pushing those values on the blacks? ...