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RE: internet life, very much work omg

in #creator3 years ago (edited)

You could always build that community you speak of, for folks who do the things you do. Then pound the pavement and bring people in. I'm not sure how big the current market is for that here, but the door is open. I see potential there but I also see a lot of work and time building it. Still, a behind the scenes look at the personalities of these people, is rare. Some folks truly did buy Playboy for the articles, right? (so they say)

An interesting idea.


now i'm stuck in this mode where i'm looking for rhymes and rhythm in your comment lol.

i mean, you're right, i could, but something about the fact that i just started 2 months ago makes me feel like the wrong person to do it. i think me being brand new to it means i can contribute to something like that with a kind of fresh perspective, but i don't think i'm "qualified" yet to act like i should do it.

regardless, i also need to put more time into looking for it here on hive. i know they had actual creators on the porn tribe in the past, and i don't know yet if they maybe just bailed completely from the platform or what.

but absolutely if i find nothing and i get a few more months under my belt, i would do it. :D

and no, i'm pretty sure the articles were only in playboy as a way to create a viable excuse for people who might otherwise be ashamed lol

lol. Nope that comment was suit and tie business guy.

You're smart to take it slow and get a feel for things. But at the same time, everything big started as nothing. First step does require good timing though. Realistically, most things fail... LOL! That's what makes life interesting I guess.

And what you talkin bout. I always read the articles. They taught me everything. And now I'm cool.