Creativity arises from our ability to see things from many different angles. - Keri Smith
I couldn't have said it any better, Keri.
The most efficient way of looking at things in a different angle is to involve others and ask them to share their perspective.
A couple of weeks ago I asked graphic designers on steemit to design a new logo for my own blog: @surfermarly. The output was amazing. Now I need your help again, but this time it's for a special cause.
Who wants to create the logo for a new charity project on steemit?
@surfermarly living her 'Dreams of the Ocean'
It's for a good cause
During the past months I've been working on a charity project that is now taking on form.
My whole life I wanted to do something like that, but either I was short of money or I didn't find the right organization where to address my contribution. Charity always has to deal with confidence issues. It's not easy to find a project where the financial activities are completely transparent.
That's why I decided to set up my own project in the end.
Since cryptocurrencies are providing a maximum of transparency in financial affairs, I considered steemit being the right place to set up my idea.
I still don't want to reveal all of its magic since this will be part of my presentation at @steemfest. But to not leave you in complete suspense, here's a first rough idea:
'Dreams of the Ocean' @dreamsoftheocean is steemit's first charity project dedicated to support kids in need through watersports activities.
To address my main concern regarding charity in general, 100% of the generated funds through the account will be addressed to the cause.
The very first activity will take place in four days, so this is a REAL project with a REAL impact.
During the next weeks there will be three events scheduled, hosting a total of kids/teenagers. The budget for these activities was $1,500 Steem, financed by @surfermarly's account.
So these fifty lucky ones are supposed to have 'the day of their lives'. But you know: there can be always done MORE. Now in the future the plan is to organize a lot more of these activities with the help of further donations.
Everybody's always talking about changing the world with the help of cryptocurrencies, so then let's just do this.
This is actually not 'a charity project on Steemit', but a 'charity project backed by Steem'.
I will keep you posted on the details soon.
The results from the first events will be presented in Lisbon, and I will also publish the corresponding video here on steemit.
I hope you will get flashed, and together we will make a lot more kids happy in the future!
Now back to the contest!
This design contest calls for graphic designers on steemit who are interested in creating the new logo for the account
It was set up today, so everything is still fresh.
The rules of the game
- The creation needs to include the name Dreams of the Ocean.
- There are no specific rules regarding coloring, font style or design in general. However, 'the Ocean' as a concept should be somehow reflected in the logo. Also: less is more. Try to be precise and clean. The logo needs to stand for: transparency, efficiency, liability, trust and care.
- A link to @surfermarly's logo (see picture above) should be rather avoided. This is a project that will be completely autonomous, so the logos should also have their own personality.
- The logo needs to be provided as a vector graphic, enabling its scalability.
- The logo needs to be a 100% original creation, NOT including any third party elements (and related copyrights).
- All proposals need to be submitted by publishing them in the comment section of THIS article. If you want to do a separated blog post to promote your entry, do it! But don't forget to drop the logo here anyways. We need them all present on one page!
- Of course, other users can upvote the submissions then. However the logo that receives the most upvotes doesn't need to be necessarily chosen as winning creation.
- So go get your friends voting for you! 😉If the most popular logo (most number of upvotes from other users, independently from the rewards) wasn't the winning logo, I would reward it with 50 SBD. Then the winning logo would receive 100 SBD and the most popular logo 50 SBD. If the winning logo was the most popular, too, the creator would receive the full reward of 150 SBD. Rewards are provided by @surfermarly.
- All proposals have to be submitted until Tuesday 24th of October 2017.
- The winner will be announced and paid on Wednesday 25th of October 2017.
- Once elected the winner, the creator assigns and transfers the full right of use to @surfermarly and @dreamsoftheocean.
- In the unexpected event of not receiving any proposals that mirror the idea of the project, I reserve my right to not reward any of the participants. Submissions need to meet a professional standard as well as ALL of the above mentioned general rules.
Are you ready to win these $150 SBD?!
I hope you will have fun being part of this project!
As I said in the beginning, this is something I have been wanting to do my whole life.
Sometimes we just need to stop talking and start acting.
Now I can't wait to see the first logo entries. If you have any questions on the contest or the brand, please ask me at any time.
Thanks for your great support, steemians.
Let's do some magic again!
Marly -
Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!
PS: Don't forget that this is a troll-free zone.
Original content. Quotes found on and
Concept #2
Click logo to enlarge.
Typeface: Keep Calm
- Upvoted for visibility -
Oh wow, you did a second one! Great!!!
Even though I like the first one most :-)
Thanks for your efforts and have a wonderful weekend!!!
😉 Well then... when I get another moment I will get some more finalized and finished looks on the first logo for you, see if they will do the trick. I always like when I have the chance to change things up and design instead of program all the time.
This is simple and lovely . Worthy of my vote...
I have a few ideas on your logo, but limited time, so I started with this concept. I can always tweak it, if its headed in the right direction that is, otherwise I'll try to get a moment to get some others in.
Click on the logo to view fullscreen
I can also rough sketch a few if you'd like
Oh I really love this concept!!! If I had to choose, I'd pick the third one. The heart is sort of a 'learned concept' in the field of charity, so that's a very smart move. Also the colouring convinces me. Nice adding: the heart works alone, as an avatar for instance (which is important being thought to become a steemit blog logo :-)).
(I won't upvote your entry only for the reason that I want to keep being neutral during the challenge.)Now the leveling board is extremely high! Great entry, @blueorgy!!!
Second attempt to comment on your entry. The last one was eaten by steemit's blockchain :-)
Thank You! Glad you liked it, luckily the Steemit logo/colors go well with an ocean theme and are easy to turn into waves ;). I then wanted to capture that this is a giving charity, so the heart is a good pick, which always comes through as a great symbol. I also had the heart incomplete in a way, being formed by the Steemit logo elements (splashing ;)) into each other.
I will try a few variants on this concept, and hopefully get at least one other concept in :)
Yeah, you're right! That's a great plus which @sjennon already took advantage of when designing the logo for the @surfermarly account :-)
You really did well.
you were part of the inspiration on my latest post ;)
Awesome, resteemed it :-)
Eaten by Steemit blockchain you say! So you also experience such...I even blogged on it and called on your name...😏@blueorgy
Here's my online posting submission -> link or Regular Link
NICE on! I love the shape. Cool combination of image and text. Also the wave could be perfectly used as avatar on steemit which is a great plus.
(I won't upvote any entries by myself to be neutral during the challenge but you may tell your friends :-))
Thank you for the kind comments :) - look forward to you sharing your updates on this charity project after you present it at SteemFest! Ah, jealous, wish I could be in Lisbon for that :) ... I hope to attend the third SteemFest whenever that gets announced!
Marly, I wish you the best on this great project! Looking forward to news as you move ahead... Hugs!

Thanks my friend! Can't wait to see them paddling out :-) On Saturday we'll have the first group of youngsters in the water.
Big hugs!!!
Created a logo!
I have different color variations in the post itself :)
I absolutely love this design!
Oh YES! You did it again :-)
I love the concept! The white version over the Ocean shot in your own post totally got me.
So that's gonna be tough choosing one next week, puuuuh! :-)
Have a great weekend, and thanks for your efforts and creativity!
Ha! Glad you like it - it's always a gamble ;)
Yeah, it's super flexible when it comes to backgrounds and images so usable for a lot of things. Also variations of colors (even the gradient one) is super easy to customize.
Happy to compete in your contests! Cheers!
Fully agreed :-)
As I said, it feels like poetry to me.
The colour selection is so good, the design so great that I'd say that it's a paragon of logos.
Wow thank you for you deep, kind words! I appreciate it :3
Hi @surfermarly. This is My Entry For Your Contest.
all entries are the same, just different font layouts.
for more about the process and more:
You know what: I think I'd like it even more without that little sun in the 'D'.
Would you mind doing the very first of these 3 (D left and text right) without the sun? I think then it would be brilliant.Yeah! That's a fantastic entry, @podanrj! I love the 'white on black' version!
Thanks for your efforts! Upvoted and resteemed your own article :-)
Edited. Thanks u for feedback.
I will provide according to the rules of the system identity logo. so try your best. the major proportions and compositions and message messages contained in the logo
Nicely done! I like it much better now :-))
This one will be definitely one of my favourites!
Thanks u mis. if i have any other ideas. will come again on another concept.. from 3 concepts, only 1 that I spended to quality, not quantity.
Ya. Vector editable. Ai. Png. Jpg. Pdf.
Is your logo made as a vector graphic?
R u want branding. Like card, letter head, envelope etc
Yeah. Editable vector. Ai. Png. Jpg. Pdf
This is my favourite. Particularly the third set of variants and in that, the blue-on-white or the white-on-charcoal.
Thanks u buddy. Keep conected
thanks for the feedback. this we can change.
great article from @surfermarly. I really like the design.
and good advice from @ podan.rj, you make me amazed with the logo design that you created. would you help me create my company logo?
@surfermarly should appreciate it well.
wow. thanks u buddy.
Great idea! Just tweeted this to my homies!
Cool! Thanks for spreading the word :-)
I want!:D
I really had fun making this logo proposals I hope you like them n_n
This is the first idea with some variants (I need to say the first one is my favorite):
And the isolated icon:
I have always say that if you need to explain a design is not a good design at all... I think it all expresses everything just to see it.
Anyways I will justify my entry: It's a big heart formed by the ocean, the waves and the sun. But, why a heart? It is a charity project, and the word charity comes from latin caritas, which means love, and is there a better icon for love than a heart?
Keeping the idea of the waves and the heart I dared to make another entry:
And again, the isolated icon:

A different approach as you can see, this one has an arm-wave, embracing the heart :)
And here is the post: Logo for Dreams of the Ocean (proposal)
Wish you all a happy weekend!!!!:D
I love it! I gave you my vote!
Oh and I had fun watching them now!! :-)
I'm trying to upvote and resteem your own post, but is very low today. So I hope it's gonna work later during the day...
Thanks for your submission! I like the combination of heart + wave :-)
Crossing my fingers for you.
Oo, looking forward to this! I will come up with something soooon! :D
I was hoping that you would say something like that :-))
Hahah good. I hope I won't be disappointing you!
What a super idea.
Kids love the water and helping kids that are struggling take their focus away from problems they’re facing is such a great cause.
Thank you, Stephen! That's exactly what I believe in :-)
Let´s get this post to every graphic designer on Steemit! Resteemed, favorite surfer :-*
Hehe, thank youuuuu traveler :-*
Goodluck with the contest Marly! :D
Thank you very much, Meghan! :-) Hopefully we can run it without further trouble. Right not it's really complicated to publish content on steemit.
So happy for you that your project is now underway!
Really hope these young people have a great day, powered by Steem - your Steem - and in future, ours.
Well done you, looking forward to hearing about how it all went!
And so am I!!! :-)
In Lisbon we'll talk about it in detail.
aww you are so awesome for being a part of this great org! If I have time, I'll try to come up with something awesome and enter! :)
Nice!! The last time you did come very far here :-)
Awesome idea. As an avid ocean and watersports guy .. I totally like the idea of your charity. I'm a graphic designer so I'm going to see what I can come up with in time to submit. Thanks for presenting this cool visual challenge! :)
Thank YOU for being part of it, and thanks for your encouragement :-) I'm really happy the idea is receiving such a good feedback here!
Well, I took my sweet time. but here it is. My entry for the Dreams of the Ocean logo. I tried to combine clouds, a wave and a heart (dreams, ocean, charity) into a clear logo that's very readible at any size. be sure to read more about it in my post

I love it to the moon and back, haha! Awesome!
Just upvoted, commented and resteemed your own post :-)
You did something really nice, thank you!!!
Thank you for the kind works. It's my pleasure. Any good cause deserves lot's of attention.
Congrats on your new charity! :) here is my entry
Oh wow that's awesome! Make sure that your poeple will vote for you here - I will only upvot your own article to be neutral during the contest :-)
Thanks for your efforts!!! Crossing fingers for you.
Thank you!!!I've got one more question regarding your logo @dksart: were these kids (silhouettes) designed by yourself, or have you used already existing images? That's important to know in terms of copyrights :-)
Hi @surfermarly these are silhouettes I found online and made modification to them. Changed color, size, some shape changes , etc... There are already so many thousands of children's silhouettes online even if I made them from scratch chances are I would have created something similar that already exists....
If you are not comfortable using these silhouettes I can modify them further by changing the positions of their legs/arms and it basically becomes a new silhouette....
Unfortunately that doesn't work, since I may face copyright issues then later. The design has to be 100% yours :-) So I need to rely on that detail. This logo will be used in charity projects on an international level, I need it to be 100% "mine" :-)
Thanks for your understanding!
Ok, no problem, copyright laws are kind of insane, especially because they are different in every country and if a lawsuit occurs and it goes to court either a judge or jury determines if a copyright violation has occurred. I doubt anyone would ever consider suing you over this logo just because a silhouette in it looks similar to another silhouette, but you never know there is all kinds of crazy people out there ;)
The insane thing is even if you follow the law does not mean that someone in another country with different laws wont sue you for copyright infringement...Here is a summary of copyright laws for logos in the USA
Yeah, you are completely right, these laws are quite complex.
To avoid all that stuff, I wrote in the description of the participant conditions that I wouldn't accept logos that include any type of third partie elements. The logo needs to be 100% yours, then nobody would ever face any kind of copyright issues - neither the designer nore the publisher :-) Sorry that I need to be that strict here...
Yes, no problem, thanks :)
I also did a post about it.
Please visit:
I will upvote your own article and not vote here to be neutral. You should tell your friends to vote for you then :-)Nice one, thank you @miawallace!!!
Great, thank you so much! Yes, I should tell my friends, but they aren´t here on Steemit yet, so I ´ll try it without vitamine B ;)
May I try with another design @surfermarly? Didn´t check that you like to have an icon which you can use as avatar.
Sure! :-)
Brilliant @miawallace
You just got a new fan in me dear friend!
Thanx for the contest. Now it is time for me to show some creativity.
Cool, looking forward to seeing your entry :-)
This is my entry for the logo:-

Oh wow, that is very... religious or... at least the female figure reminds me of the Blessed Virgin Mary :-)
This comment has received a 0.31 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.
This is Awesome. What a SUPER idea !!!!! Steemit is the right place for this. I will try to come up with a logo. Followed - Up-Voted and Resteemed.
Thanks for your great support, and I'm happy that you like the idea :-)
sweet smile.....
I am signing up for this contest.
Great! Looking forward :)
Wonderful post. Thanks.
super post really nice
Good jop
Nice dude! I will give my best! Where do we have to send it? Mail?
Great. Just publish your entry down here in the comments section :)
@ surfermarly Nice my dear! I will give my best! Where do we have to send it? Mail?
Hello @akashas! You have to Post it here as I understood the rules.
Ah ok! Nice! Good to know! Thanks
I'm in! Excellent project.. let the ideas flow. resteemed!
Cool! Looking forward to seeing your entry :)
Here you go 💙 💙 💙
Check this out and let me know your thoughts about it ;)
YES! Love it. That's a REALLY good one.
Puuuh, it's getting hard for me to decide, that's for sure :-))
Thanks for making my choice even more complicated, hehe
I'm glad you liked it. You've got amazing entries. That is the best of all, that this great project will have the great identity it deserves.
I vote for @mr-monk's draft.
Just kidding. Thanks a lot for the supportOh @freiheit50 you are a great connoisseur!!
Great designs, but this one is winning me over with beautifull vote goes for @mr-monk Cheers, Damir
Cheers Damir. I'm glad you like it!
Thanks for this kind comment about your appreciation of my work.
I think this project deserves a good graphic identity and I tried to do something worthy .
Beautiful work, @mr-monk! Yours is my Logo of Choice!
I told @surfermarly that it is a "Triple Overhead" entry. You have done a beautiful job of capturing the Steemit logo and transforming it into a beautiful breaking wave. Great job!

Why...? R u understanding about logo identity..? This can be as plagiarsm, because because idea and manufacture use steemit logo. this can not be taken out. luckily my group is not here, if they see it will be woe as plagiarism. we have different skills and different knowledge, when others become experts in writing, I just become logo designs. Thanks u, just to be u knwo this.
"Don't forget that this is a troll-free zone"
I do not want to be rude but I think I need to say something about your comments.
There is no need to list my knowledge and my experience, but believe me, I know perfectly how to do my job.
I know perfectly what is a Visual Identity, Corporate Image and what is the Threshold of Originality and there is nothing in the project that I present that could be taken as plagiarism.
There is no similarity in the repetition of elements, nor in the color palette, nor in the scale, nor in the proportion, nor in interstices, nor in orientation. And above all, they are not the same elements.
In my post I showed a couple of curves that fit. Two curves. That wink is not plagiarism.hello @podanrj
PS. In fact, according to Wikimedia Commons the Steemit logo is public domain as it does not have enough complexity for a copyright protection, as you can see by yourself in:
Good vibes man
ok. it may be my fault, but as long as I am in the logo maker for 7 years, our community has a different meaning. and I'm just referring to
cheer. no other purpose. it's just telling you not to justify the wrong. Do what is right. not what is easy.
Regards. PodanRJ
Ohhh!! Thank you so much for such a flattering analogy.
It would be great if my logo is the finalist. But the most important thing will be to continue supporting this amazing project called @dreamsoftheocean to reach more and more distant waters.
Thanks for the compliment ;)
I tried to do my best for this incredible project.
I would love to win my logo so I can continue to collaborate with the graphic part.
This post has received a 14.52 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @abh12345. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at
@eqko this one is yours!
Thanks for the headsup bro. Will see if I can come up with something. The cause is great so that's cool.
Excellent! Looking forward :-)
I will join! And looking forward to your amazing and great project!
Awesome, looking forward :-)
Know It will be perfect! :) Keep rolling @surfermarly ready for Steemfest?
Thank you @leotrap! I'm ready, presentation is done - I only need to pack my bags :-)
Ahhhhhh so great! Enjoy it Girl !!!
Great to see another logo contest @surfermarly. And this time for a great cause, Upvoted and Resteemed and will definitely make time to participate in this contest. Have a great day!
Awesome! Thanks for the great support, and I'm looking forward to seeing your entry :-)
Please see below my first entry into the "Dreams of the Ocean" logo Design.
I really enjoyed the designing process.
Hope that you like it.Hello @surfermarly.
Thanks and have a great day!
Haha, that's a very funny one!!! Which software did you use to draw it? the sun smiling too much. I used the software 'Paint' and 'GIMP' to draw it. More detail on my post. I will work on the design more and create a better one.
So that bird brings the good things over? :-)Oh, that's the most colourful entry so far! Thanks you very much, @jaldesign!!!
My tiny minnions contribution
I don't vote the entries to keep being neutral here, so you might tell your friends to come over and give you an upvote though :-)Thank you very much for being part of the challenge, @thaiprincess!!!
See below my second entry.
I changed the look of the logo. and would like to know what you think.Hello @surfermarly.
Thanks and have a great day
Nice! The only thing that wouldn't work here are these colour gradients. They generally can't be used for logos, since a logo always needs to be used in several formats, including print works. The gradients would be very pixelated then. I'd rather prefer a logo with a clean shape though :-)
Thanks for the feedback. Did not know that color gradients would not be ideal for logo design. I learnt something new. I removed the color gradients from my logo:
I will keep what you said in mind when I design logo going forward. Thanks and have a great day!
the @podanrj grey and white one is really nice -- i can see that working everywhere..
Wow. Thanks u @teamhumble, maybe i will lose. :( too many who do not understand about logos. where they tend to like plagiarism.
let me give you a little life tip --- try and remove saying or using the words 'hope' and 'maybe' from your life, everything works a little better. don't set yaself up for a fall instead feed the universe with positive vibes, and then you could come through in better shape! - best of lu. . . all my best! :)
:) eow. Thanks u teamhumble
Great work dear ...keep it up...count me in...once all is up and running will support the charity cause from one of my favorite steemians
Awesome! Thanks for your kind support :-)
Stay tuned! Tomorrow I will publish the introduction post via @dreamsoftheocean.
sure dear... just keep me posted...
ok...just keep me posted
updated also a new post...take a look
ps have fun in lisbonhey @surfermarly, just wanted to let you know that I will be putting my steemvoter at 100% voting power for your @dreamsoftheocean . Its only 3 cents at the moment but it makes me feel good that every post you make I willl automatically be supporting your cause.
Oh wow that's amazing!!! Thank you so much :-)))
I will start posting after Steemfest, so you can save these valuable 100% for other accounts during the next 2 weeks if you want.
Again thanks for your great support!
Sorry i missed this. I found it through a comment. I too have launched a global charity on the block chain, and Id love to collaborate. Come visit the @youarehope account and our discord at and lets see if we can make any good connections between the very similar work we are taking on here. I really love your niche for watersports angle on the charity, while ours is a bit more global, but Id run a campaign to raise funds for you, if you are still doing this effort! Be well!
Looking forward to news as you move ahead... Hugs!!!!!!