Want To Be More Creative? Research Says You Should Drink A Beer!

in #creativity7 years ago (edited)

Ugh I'm just not very creative! How am I supposed to know what to write about? What's a whale interested in anyway? Ugh.. I don't know! This is frustrating! Damn it, I am just going to drink a beer and maybe inspiration will strike.

Does the above depiction seem familiar to you? I am sure it does to many of us Steemians. Creativity is not something that comes easily to many of us (especially us boring scientists!). Anecdotally we all know that drinking a beer (or your alcoholic beverage of choice) can get the creative juices flowing. However there is often a great divide between what "everybody knows" and what can be supported by real experimental evidence. With regards to alcohol and creativity however, we just may be in luck...

Today we will be discussing an article published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition titled "Creativity on tap? Effects of alcohol intoxication on creative cognition." Where the authors were exploring this idea that alcohol stirs up our creativity. Lets pour a tall glass of science and see if we like what the authors found.


Image Source

What Were The Authors Of This Study Looking At Specifically?

The authors were looking at the effects of being a little bit intoxicated (blood alcohol level of 0.03) on their abilities to perform some mental tasks. They divided the participants up into two groups: one which was given a single alcoholic beer (to lead to that 0.03 blood alcohol level) and another which was given a non-alcoholic beer (this was the placebo group). Both groups thought they were receiving a standard alcohol containing beer.

They were trying, as we discussed above, to scientifically understand whether alcohol supports creative thinking by reducing inhibitions, or if it actually only impairs cognitive functioning and leads to no or worsened creative thinking. Perhaps all that anecdotal, alcohol makes me more creative, is just the alcohol talking? (I know how amazing I think I am at everything when I've been drinking... however the reality is a bit less amazing and a lot more embarrassing).

What Is Creative Thinking?

creativity: Image 2

From the scientific perspective, creative thinking is that which uses both goal-oriented as well as spontaneous non-directed mental processes. [2] This usually refers to thinking used to generate new ideas or rearrange a problem to come up with a unique solution. Creatively generating ideas is referred to as "divergent thinking" and the ability to think in this way is correlated strongly to an individuals intelligence. [3] (intelligence or actual intellectual capacity takes many forms and is not limited only to our abilities to remember things but also Fluid Intelligence which is the intelligence of solving problems!)

Creativity Is Associated With Being Uninhibited

Getting Uninhibited: Image 3

More than just our innate abilities, being creative has also been shown to be associated with disinhibition. [4] What this means is that when we are solving problems we often get stuck thinking one way ( a "mental impasse") and being creative requites that we get passed that. What researchers have shown in the past is that the ability to break our focus can actually lead us to be MORE creative, and disinhibition can contribute to this break in focus.

How Did The Authors Measure Creativity?

They used a few methods, one called a Remote Associates Test which is a word association test, where participants are asked to find the relationship between three common words. The researchers also employed Divergent Thinking Tasks in which people are asked to do some out of the box thinking, for instance providing some examples of unusual uses for a common object like a brick or a pen.

What Did They Find?

Figure 1 [1

So in the above image we are looking at results from the two creative thinking experiment sets, on the left we have the Remote Associate Test (RAT) and on the right we have the divergent thinking task. T1 is before treatment (so before the beer) and T2 is after the treatment (so after the beer). The White bar is the placebo group (received the non-alcoholic beer) and the grey bar is the test group (received the normal alcoholic beer).

What do you see?

This data shows that alcohol improved the participants performance on the word association (RAT) test, but did not do anything to the performance on the divergent thinking test.

Do you think this is odd? Why do you think this might be? They both assess creative thinking.

What Did The Authors Report About This Data?

The authors state that this data is evidence that alcohol improved participants creative problem solving abilities, but did not help their out of the box thinking (divergent thinking). More importantly here, was their observation that alcohol did not make divergent thinking WORSE.

So in none of the tests for creative thinking did any of the participants fare worse when consuming a small amount of alcohol. In fact their performance was improved! What is perhaps even more interesting is that their creative problem solving abilities (as judged by the RAT test) improved even with placebo! So just thinking that you are drinking some alcohol makes you a better problem solver (perhaps thinking about alcohol will help us solve the problem of what to post next!)

What Was New Here?

Evidence wise not a lot. Scientific validity wise a ton!

The illustration that alcohol improves creative problem solving was actually shown before in a 2012 study. [6] However the authors of that study did not include a placebo group, so this current study both supports their work and provides a badly needed control. With out a negative placebo control we couldn't be certain that the creativity increase was because of the alcohol (which now we can).

Author Conclusions

Our study corroborates the notion that small attenuations of cognitive control may facilitate certain aspects of creative cognition while not affecting others...The findings, however, should not be
overgeneralized by assuming that creativity is generally supported by alcohol. Beneficial effects are likely restricted to very modest amounts of alcohol, whereas excessive alcohol consumption typically impairs creative productivity.

What to take from this? Well obviously as the authors state in their conclusions, their data doesn't show any evidence that pounding shots will do anything for your creativity. Remember these participants drank only one beer and had a very low blood alcohol content. Additionally not all types of creative thinking were benefited at all, only a specific subset of that type of thinking.

My Thoughts

Drinking a lot of alcohol is obviously not healthy for us, however there is plenty of evidence that a very moderate, low amount of consumption is either not bad, or potentially even positive. Perhaps that is enough to say if you are struggling making that creative jump, try drinking a beer. It just might help you find some inspiration.


Text Sources

  1. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053810016303713
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24898118
  3. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.4219/jsge-2005-473
  4. https://sites.northwestern.edu/markbeemanlab/files/2015/11/The-cognitive-neuroscience-of-insight-1jie1hg.pdf
  5. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232480788_Assessing_Creativity_With_Divergent_Thinking_Tasks_Exploring_the_Reliability_and_Validity_of_New_Subjective_Scoring_Methods
  6. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053810012000037

Image Sources

  1. Image 1
  2. Image 2
  3. Image 3

All Non Cited Images Are From Pixabay.com, Flickr.com, Pexels.com, or Wikipedia.com And Are Available For Reuse Under Creative Commons Licenses

Any Gifs Are From Giphy.com and Are Also Available for Use Under Creative Commons Licences

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What happens when you take the experiment a step further. 0.03 is maybe a light buzz, if we consider 0.08 to be the legal limit for driving (in the US anyway), then we're not even halfway to that point.

At which point do we experience diminishing returns. i.e. is 0.03 the magic spot where your RAT scores began to fall off (obviously being three sheets to the wind can be creative, but productively creative? Not so sure).

It would be interesting for a study to look for the sweet spot. Drink 2.6 beer and you will be good to write all night. This sort of thing.

Thanks for sharing, this is certainly an interesting topic of discussion!!

The authors themselves state that beneficial effects to creativity are NOT increased by additional alcohol consumption.

Thanks for reading!

Referring to this quote?

Beneficial effects are likely restricted to very modest amounts of alcohol, whereas excessive alcohol consumption typically impairs creative productivity.

That's a fair point, but seems like there could be some fine tuning. This is a pretty vague ballpark. Or do they go into greater detail in the full report which I didn't click on?

Either way, I appreciate the reply! Have a great night!

They reference previous studies which were done at higher BAC levels in the discussion. However they themselves in this study did not go to higher levels then the discussed 0.03.

Cheers! Have a great night as well!

Never thought about such beneficial effect.But, in real practice, It is difficult to know whether the blood concentration of alcohol is around 0.03 (as mentioned in the article). Performing invasive method regularly to know concentration is a really painful method.Just drinking small amount of alcohol (say 100ml) will not make blood concentration of 0.03 in all individual ( as absorption rate may differ in different individual, also it is different in female and male).
Anyway, alcohol does better to the body !

But, in real practice, It is difficult to know whether the blood concentration of alcohol is around 0.03 (as mentioned in the article). Performing invasive method regularly to know concentration is a really painful method.Just drinking small amount of alcohol (say 100ml) will not make blood concentration of 0.03 in all individual ( as absorption rate may differ in different individual, also it is different in female and male).

Indeed, I did not discuss this however they actually measured the appropriate amount to result in the indicated blood alcohol content.

Participants of the alcohol group received Gösser Zwickl® (5.2% alcohol by volume) and participants of the non-alcoholic group received Gösser Naturgold® (<0.5% alcohol by volume). These two beers were selected because they are very similar in taste and visual appearance (i.e., golden, naturally cloudy). The amount of beer was individually adjusted for weight, age and gender (Watson, Watson, & Batt, 1980; Widmark, 1932) targeting at a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.03 (in case of alcoholic beer). For a male with 22 years, 75 kg and 182 cm this results in about 500 ml of beer, whereas a female with 22 years, 65 kg and 165 cm received about 350 ml beer. Drinks were cooled and prepared in a separate room and served in neutral drinking glasses.

Am I reading some of these studies right? There seems to be barely any type of notable difference between sobriety and a few beers as far as creativity goes.

If you really need drugs for creativity the obvious way is to go through psychedelics rather than something like beer..makes no sense.

Thank you for your input.

I absolutely love reading evidence based posts. Particularly when they reassure my daily glass of red wine is a good habit! :))
Can You Be Hypnotized To Not See Something? , which you posted last month ( I only read it now.)
I am a psychology student; so, your blog has just inspired me and helped me to find my path here on this Steemit journey!
Thank you & all the best. @justtryme90,I had a look through your blog and fell in love with it. I will certainly be returning to read your older posts, but I would like to thank you now for your post

I am a psychology student; so, your blog has just inspired me and helped me to find my path here on this Steemit journey!

Wonderful, I hope you try to share some interesting things that you are learning about. There are plenty of great topics from which to choose, and some interesting literature out there to be explained!

I am glad you found some inspiration in my writings! That means I am doing something right at least :D

Nice article. 1-2 beers a day will also improve your lipid profile as well. Specifically it will raise HLD, which can help decrease cardiovascular problems. I bet relaxing the nerves makes you more clear in your quest for creativity!

1-2 beers a day will also improve your lipid profile as well. Specifically it will raise HLD

I didn't know this one. Interesting. Thanks for the info!

Being part of the placebo group must have been pretty sad and uninteresting.

Well, they performed better on the RAT test too. So maybe it was okay? After all one beer does not a party make. ;)

Whan to be creative thanka!
Congratulations on the activity! Good luck always !! from @steemboad to my friends

The fact that you wrote this article means you are VERY creative.

Well thanks. Maybe I'm too hard on myself.

Could be, take it easy, I hope you have a wonderful day!

For those worried about the ethics of this investigation. The experiment used a total of 70 subjects with half in the control group, so only 35 alcoholic beers were sacrificed in the name of science.

so only 35 alcoholic beers were sacrificed

Id say they were consumed with pride by the participants rather than sacrificed.

i never know a beer could be considered beneficial to a persons creativity , but i'm glad you share this, resteemed and followed

Thanks for reading!

Last time i drunk beer weird things happened XD
anyway good article, upvoted!

:D Thanks for reading. I think weird things happening when drinking beer is something many of us have in common lol.

High time for me to get started @justtryme90!!! Really need some more creativity and attract those dolphins and whales on my blog!

Well I guess I am a dolphin, so I will visit :)

Oh that's really very nice of you @justtryme90, you are really so supportive!

Doing my best to help in my small way to make this community great!

I really appreciate that you came on my blog and gave some support!

I have planned to launch a new style of cooking contest soon, would be great if you could let me have your valuable views on it!
Thanks again @justtryme90. @progressivechef

Sure, send me a message on steemit.chat when you start your contest.

Oh wow! I will let you know surely once i get it started, I have plan to start it beginning september!
Thanks so much!

Good Information.. @justtryme90

My coding skills are greatly improved after couple of beers. For some reason, I can focus better, yielding results faster and more efficiently. Of course, my own experience is not a scientific proof. It is not because I feel something in some way that this is scientific sound :D

I was about to ask the dependence of the results with the amount of alcohol (quantitatively) absorbed. Is there a kind of (probably person-dependent) threshold where one gets the best?

For some reason, I can focus better, yielding results faster and more efficiently.

Maybe you actually focus too strongly (on too many outside thing) and beer helps you limit your focus to only your task at hand.

I was about to ask the dependence of the results with the amount of alcohol (quantitatively) absorbed. Is there a kind of (probably person-dependent) threshold where one gets the best?

They cited previous research with higher BAC where diminishing returns occur (due to the negative impact of alcohol on cognitive functioning). A little bit of alcohol is seemingly beneficial here, but too much and you lose that benefit.

Maybe you actually focus too strongly (on too many outside thing) and beer helps you limit your focus to only your task at hand.

I was thinking about that (there were a couple of steemit posts on multitasking recently).

They cited previous research with higher BAC where diminishing returns occur (due to the negative impact of alcohol on cognitive functioning). A little bit of alcohol is seemingly beneficial here, but too much and you lose that benefit.

But no numbers (with error bars) I guess?

How do you become part of the test group?

Right place at the right time I think. :D

Why'd ya think that they invented math? To make beer. It was necessary. Start with the basics, right?

hahaha thats great u made alcohol great for health :D

Oh no, I have never said alcohol is good for our health. I've actually written quite a bit stating the opposite.

your thoughts my friend :
however there is plenty of evidence that a very moderate, low amount of consumption is either not bad, or potentially even positive.

Stating it is potentially positive is a far cry from a declaration that it is GOOD for our health. It isn't. There may be some benefits from low level consumption, but as a whole it is not healthy for us.

share some with me my friend than hahahahaha :D lets party :D

Haha you can have mine :D

I'm just having mine while I type this, Cheers!

Enjoy your newfound creativity! Thanks for reading!

These are really some cool studies, now artists like me can find a reason to take small amount of alcohol and become more creative. This sounds funny but many proofs support to it. I have read many people's stories about it.

Remember it's only a certain type of creative thinking. I don't know how well this would carry over into art. To be honest I don't think I understand enough about how the various types of creative thought processes influence the generation of creative expressions like art. I certainly hope it ends up giving you an edge in your work though!

Maybe alcohol make people creative but it destroy their health

I suppose that is somewhat dependent on the amount consumed.