On the road with my wife @freedomtowrite, I get a chance to craft. Since it is smaller stuff on the go I call it gypsy jewelry. I sell it and give it away in different parts of the world. It is custom hand, hand made, and makes me feel connected with others. Be well.

Nice bracelet. it looks like it must have taken a long time to make, It's very rewarding to make your own pieces iisn't it :))
Hi thank you. Yeah this is a 20" necklace...it took a while.
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :DThat is pretty, is it a bracelet or necklace? It looks too big to be a bracelet, but I wasn't sure if its because its a close-up picture or because its actually a necklace, so I thought I'd ask in case I'm not the only one that wasn't sure, either way its very nice. :D How long does it take to make one? I know the bracelet you made for @snook took you approximately 40 minutes to create, but wasn't sure if that could have been because you were chatting and filming at the same time or perhaps that's the average amount of time each creation takes regardless of whether its a necklace or bracelet, although my brain says to me that logically a necklace would actually take more time to create than a bracelet, am I right in thinking that? You do lovely work, I love that each one is unique. :D
Hi! It is a necklace. Sometimes it takes up to 2 hours for a longer piece. I love making and sharing them. Snooks was alot of fun...visiting and crafting!
Very cool. :D How long did it take you to learn how to make them? I think the visiting and crafting method is a great way to do it, you have a lot of fun and we get to watch it and laugh with you like we're actually there too. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D
Well....I started learning how to braid the hemp just over 20 years ago. It took me a bit to really learn and now I am able to do it quickly.
Very cool, the only thing I know how to braid is hair, just a basic or french braid, but still I've got the understanding of how to braid, although some days I have to think about it a lot more than others, LOL. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D
The Jewelry is amazing @freedompoint. Thank you
Thank you
That looks nice and it really special to think that you made it to your wife. Can you do some steps by steps how to make it? I have an idea also too to give something like this for my wife
Thank you. Sure. Next time I make one I will see if I am in a place to record it.
Nice necklace! Awesome to grab minutes in time to craft..
Hola amigo es muy lindo tu collar,ese tejido es macrame , me encanta! Supe. vender y hacer mariposas , flores y otras cosas con ese tejido, soy nuevo aca y ver tanta diversidad es muy lindo! Te felicito por tus contenidos