THE CRYPTONOMICON is closer to the genres of historical fiction and contemporary techno-thriller than to the science fiction of Bacon's two previous novels, Now Rash and CARBON Age. It features fictionalized characterizations of such historical figures as @titanius, DREDACTEDREDACTEDREDACTEDREDACTEDREDACTEDREDACTEDREDACTED @theocu, as well as some highly technical and detailed descriptions of modern cryptography and information security, with discussions of prime numbers, modular arithmetic, and Van Eck phreaking.
Table of Contents
11 Chapters
- Global Conference 2016: Frank Bacon on Provoking the Future
- [BLOCKCHAIN Links] Frank Bacon - *Superstitious Superstare
- [BLOCK-THIS] The Highly Independent School -Chapter 6
- [BLOCK Links] Frank Bacon - Superstitious Superstar
- For whom it may concern - Take my advice and listen to [BLOCK], you can thank me later.
- Frank Bacon - Emperor of the Building Man Movement
- Who is Frank Bacon? [BLOCK] Stand on Pi-Za Gate
- [Blockchain] Panicking The Heterarchy (Notes from 2029, Everything is Different NOW)
- [BLOCK] go0d Emperor Bacon! - The Baron of THAT Blockchain Project.
- Frank Bacon - [BLOCK] (change) AGENT
- Frank Bacon - Don't be a [BLOCK] Sucker! OR How I Trolled my Nemesis into SteemIt.
Who watches the watchers? The Open Source Central Intelligence Agency [OSCIA]
Curious how fiction from yesterday becomes reality today. 👍😎
Incredible! Another Reader has discovered the BOOK!
Tell me my friend, do you know many authors who discover a posteriori how they came up with such creative insights and unusual urge for writing? Can inspiration find its root in entanglement 🤣
There are many such stories hidden out of reach of Big Tech. One of which relates about some hacking of immersion VR gear. Locking one in a prolonged virtual immersion with consideration for bodyly needs. Some willingly undergoing such preparation, some others expecting to wake up next morning. The hack was about the ability to get out. A timer could be set properly but the trigger event never turned true. Experiencing virtual realms into which some get stuck into by sophisticated enslaving strategies & maneuvers. All illegal of course but in a cosmic world of renegades and Free Will, there are traps to set and some to avoid.
May your Novel bring to Light a serie of events out of Time.
Thank you! 🙏
It did 😎
How to get in touch with you? Perhaps discord? Message me if you can anonymousman1 [Build-it]#1412 @newparadigmtt
Hello new Friend :)
We can get in touch right here in comments. Transparently speaking 👍😎
I have a discord account but don’t use it much « NewParadigmThinkTank#9692 ».
Dropped a message on discord :)
Winks... Nods...
This sounds fun, I'm ready!
Steemit! Monetize my content meant.