Welcome to my Post!
You might be here pursuing the big dream of making money out of writing things, it is a beautiful dream isn't it? Being able to make the same amount of money you would do having a succesfull website with the difference that here you don't have to be investing in anything but in your own knowledge and wisdom to share it with others, isn't that great?
It is something beautiful really, because the motivation that is the potential earnings you could be getting right now is the same force that really drives this whole community wisdom, passion, knowledge, spiritual and intellectual growtth, to the horizon where the future awaits.
Sadly, as not everyone gets enough upvotes to fulfill their income expectations, some people could lose their hopes about this whole project and end up quitting it, frustrated. If you are one of those people i have something to tell you that i know for a fact you don't, are you ready? here it goes: Your mind is the key to the accomplishment of all your goals. Yes! that's what'll take you where ever you want to be; If you are able to dream it you can achieve it, but you have to do it, it won't happen itself.
It is imperative for you to find the ways for success to happen to you, there are not such thing as luck, the universe is not conspiring for you to become in what you want to be and divine providence is just the destiny following its natural constantly changing course, like a river; The continental drift originated by your actions.
In the other side, if you are here because you are looking for a magical recipe to make money, then i gotta say that this is not the post for you. I am no guru and anyone who pretend to be one is merely a fraudster. What i can provide you with is with ideas, feelings and thoughts that might help to throw some light to that deep dark tunnel full of powerfullness, imagination and creativity that is your consciousness, the awaking of the soul .
What matters is not the possible income, but what you are creating.
Don't focus all of what you are doing in how much you will you be earning doing it. The art is the expression of the mind that tries to explain the reality, and writing is one kind of art...
(post in progress..)