The Original post you can find at 30 Day creative post challengeI ran into this challenge started by @bkdbkd , it is a challenge where you are 'challenged' to post every day for a period of 30 days with a pre-defined subject in a rule-sheet. I first saw the challenge in a post from @s3rg3 . I thought it was nice idea, first for writing about different stuff everydat, but second to be part a chainreaction on steemit :)
So let’s start with day 14
*What is your best skill? Is there anything you would like to be good at? Is there anything you are willing to learn?
My best skill
I think my best skill lies within being a person-person, so being softskills.. Which means that I am more of a social person and that my strength lies within being able to get the best out of people themselves. In my line of work for instance, I have done several projects as a projectmanager, I always managed to form a team with people who all fitted perfectly together. Besides the skills needed for the assignment, I think it is also important to gather people who can get along and have a social connection. You’ll see that those kind of teams are more involved to the project. And instead of just managing result (which is also important of course) I am more managing the path to the result so there is a learning curve for everyone. I’m involved with the people I work with and try to comfort them in the right ways to get the best out of them selves and to have fun in what they do, cause that is the most important for me….. Fun in what you do….
Is there anything you would to be good at?
Yes there is, I would like to be good painter, carpenter and bricklayer 😊. I like to do stuff in and around the house, but I am not really that good at it…although I try. But I’m getting better day by day. Last week we finished the attic where I laid the floor and did the painting myself, and the result is nice 😊
Is there anything you are willing to learn?
Want I always wanted to learn is to explain behavior, and then I mean behavior of people. Why do we do the things we do and why doesn’t all people do it the same way… Why do people react an certain way, what is their motivation.. I think life would be so much easier if we know from eachother why we are doing the thing we do on a particular way… I know fairly profound, but I love working with people 😊
If you like to join the 30-days contest, please follow these rules
- Use the hashtag #creativepostchallenge, so @bkdbkd can find your blog!
- Share the link & the rules of this post and challenge in the end of your post so other users can find it too.
- Have fun!
For my other posts in this serie:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13

I love music, but I think I'm good at edifying people, helping them believe that they have what it take to build passive income; the only income that sets you free from the rat-race. Shoutout @verhp11 for getting that out of me..
Thank you for your reply, appreciate it !! Have a great day !!
Thank you. You too my sir..
nice article
Thank you very much !!