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RE: HAPPY UN-BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! (Want to know where I've been?)

in #creative6 years ago

That is exciting news about a baby buckaroo on the way! So sorry the pregnancy is causing you so much difficulty but I'm glad you are taking it in the context of a spiritual journey with lessons to be learned. It definitely is doing a major cleanse for you.
Are you managing to keep healthy otherwise?
When is your baby due?
I hope you do manage to pop in every once in a while so we can keep in touch for I do miss our conversations from the other side of the world.
Oh! And by the way those cakes are absolutely scrumptious looking! Candy for the eye!Ahh! @buckaroo I have been wondering where you were and was getting a bit concerned.


HI! So nice to see you @porters. Thank you for your concern. My health is fantastic! My midwife always says despite the fact that I feel so terrible I'm in superb condition and baby is flourishing! Baby will be a spring baby (in SA) early Sept.

I'm hoping that this finds you starting to feel better - great news that you are staying so healthy and the baby is flourishing!
What a wonderful time to have your baby , in spring!
Take care! XXX