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RE: Create the Scene | It's Not a Contest!

in #createthescene β€’ 2 years ago

I have started writing something, not sure if I like it though, might have to try again...still mulling it over. LOL! 😊

Yours will be funny and fabulous, just like you! 😊

HUGE HUGS back to you!! 𞭾

Thanks, I can definitely use some!

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Do not over think your writing.

I never thought my writing was good enough until someone yelled at me :D

We all have to start somewhere..

Good advice, hard to take, but good to hear. 😊

Who yelled at you? What did they yell at you? Did you yell back? LOL! 😊

That is so true...okay, I'll give it a go, not making any promises about the final product though. 😊