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RE: Create the Scene | It's Not a Contest!

in #createthescene • 2 years ago

Hello lovely lady! 😊

This is a fantastic idea. I've always wanted to write, but never thought anything I wrote was decent enough to share. This might be my chance to try again, if I don't get distracted and completely forget to do it...that happens some days, as you well know. Thanks chronic pain, the gift that keeps on giving, even when you don't want it anymore. LOL! 😊

I bet you get a few good ones under that tag. 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊


Oh I so hope you write!! It doesn't have to be perfect. That is the whole point!! We are learning together :D

I am worried about how mine will come out, and part of me wishes I did not post this LOLL, but that IS why I did post it, so I have to at least try it!! :D


And sending confidant writing vibes your way!!

I have started writing something, not sure if I like it though, might have to try again...still mulling it over. LOL! 😊

Yours will be funny and fabulous, just like you! 😊

HUGE HUGS back to you!! ðž­¾

Thanks, I can definitely use some!

Do not over think your writing.

I never thought my writing was good enough until someone yelled at me :D

We all have to start somewhere..

Good advice, hard to take, but good to hear. 😊

Who yelled at you? What did they yell at you? Did you yell back? LOL! 😊

That is so true...okay, I'll give it a go, not making any promises about the final product though. 😊