Prisoner of "Self"

in #create7 years ago

Seemit Post 1.jpgHave you ever had a creative block? You know, the one that has you staring at a blank canvass or a word document with nothing in mind. The truth of that creative block is that EVERYTHING is on your mind. The creative mind does not rest.
We are constantly stirring up old memories, thoughts or nostalgic sensations and throwing it all into whatever it is we're creating. Each piece of art is an extension of the artist. Though the artist is full of passion, these blocks still come. This is because the Super Ego is trying to "protect" us.
The Super Ego takes what the world expects of us and insidiously tries to inflect who we "are." When we are creating, We are constantly recalling past experiences, feelings, events, much like reopening a wound. the Super Ego tries to repress these feelings and make us feel as everything is okay.
Well, I say, FUCK THAT.
I don't care what it is I just want to feel REAL.
Go away Super Ego;
Let me suffer
Let me laugh
Let me cry


I write poetry, so those blocks to come sometime. As you say, we need to be in touch with our personal feelings, let our emotions flow and write honestly without too much regards on what others think.

There's a controversy when it comes to being an career artist. A piece of you is worried about how the audience will receive it; the work becomes slightly less authentic. I find my best work comes when I am in the heat of the moment. When I feel that passion that makes me burst out of my skin. Art is that moment of pure energy.

You must enjoy performing so much. Be true to yourself and do not worry too much what others think. I write poems, take a look.