CrazyChallenge is a new crazy challenges with money prize every day. Watch, take part, invite your friends, exceed your limits, have fun, make your day. More about CrazyChallenge.
Winners CrazyChallenge. The first season.
The first game @lehard with prize 46 SBD
The second game - @acidsun with prize 29.347 SBD
The third game - @lehard with prize 0.22 SBD
The first finalist - @lehard with weekly prize 54.349 SBD
The fourth game - @papa-pepper with prize 5.655 SBD
Task for today
Tell your secret to the world
Write a comment under the postΒ
Rules of participation
Each season lasts 4 weeks. 3 rounds per a week. 12 rounds in total. Each round has its unique task.
The winner of every round gets the prize. The winners of every week get to the final, where they compete for the super prize. You can join the Challenge at any time.
2 Week
1 round. Finished.
Take a morning selfie 12th of September.
Tell your secret to the world 14th of September. 2 round. Started
The most creativity writing SteemitΒ 16th of September. Round 3 (x2). Starts at 5 pm NY time (19:00 UTC).
The winner of each round is determined by the most of upvotes (to avoid fake votes, only the collected funds will be taken into account).
The prize for the winner of a round: 35% of SD collected by the post.
Weekly Prize Pool
Β The number of upvotes which each player got in every round is to be recorded in the table;
Β Upvotes, collected in the Friday round, are to be doubled in the table;
Β 25% SD from each round goes to the Weekly Prize Pool;
Β A player collected the biggest number points for a week gets the entire bank and comes to the final.
The current Weekly Prize Pool: 4.039 SD
The winners of the each of 4 weeks are to compete with each other in the final. The coolest tasks for the most desperate players and competition for the Final Prize Pool.
Final Prize Pool
Paying over 10% SD of each round post;
Β 100% SD of the final post;
Β Sponsor donations.
Reward allocation
Β 1st place - 45%
Β 2nd place - 20%
Β 3rd place - 12%
Β 4th place - 8%
The current Final Prize Pool: 23.484 SD
*15% from the Final Prize Pool goes for the organizational expenses and fee for the organizers.
Join the channel Fun on, to stay tuned to the new contests -
If you have any suggestions of how this contest could be improved, write it in the comments or find me on ( @anasya )
Follow me to get the relevant information.Β
I will reveal to you main secret - I'm not a real Wasserman
I know this!!!! Because I'm a real Wasserman!

You are next!
WHAT? Its cant be true...
Now I must kill you

Bad news
For whom?
For all
Sometimes I eat mice
Bear Grylls
@krishtopa came and killed all the suspense
I know - its hard to accept.. but.. im Iron Man.
ATTENTION. Please, vote with a 100% Steem power. Winner will be determined not by votes count. By weight of comment. Thanks :D
Photoshop grandmaster!
I can teach you :)
Paint detected
I will open the secret! I am the most important whale on steeme!!

Me hulk, me smash

you die you dont upvote
We are steemit avengers
lol yeah
I avoid talking to or hanging out alone with girls (especially girls that I like or am simply attracted to) because:
I feel awkward.
Although I may think of the most romantic/sweet things to say or do for girls I like, I am simply too shy to actually say/do them.
I feel that I do not deserve a relationship.
I see other men as "better options" for them.
I'm not used to having a "close" relationship with anyone. (Parents, siblings, friends.... There's always a disconnect on my end)
There ya go... That's a little secret I've been thinking about recently.
Thank you for your frankness
I almost killed a police officer and then lied to the court that it was not me. ^_^ They believe.

i am Elk

I do not pass the project on time.
the customer does not know about it
Pink is not my natural hair color.
I was the hula hoop champion in 6th grade.
We need photo of this :)
Of course it will be grateful with the photo, but we need the story only ;)
People don't take this serious! This is not my secret!
I can tell you a secret: There are a lot of people that we are upvoting and a lot of them will never upvote us back! Why, because they don't care and will say they don't have time! Don't get me wrong, but is how it is!
They think that their vote does not mean anything, and they wrong
I can crack steemit private key/password ...
Is it true?
now you are wondering... I can give you an hint: it is not true as totally true... but it is not false as totally false...
I don't actually like to watch football...

papa, you can participate in the next today challenge, and use that photo, because this challenge ended already