Extreme.Water types of extreme tourism

in #craigrant8 years ago

 Спрос на экстремальный туризм в России значительно вырос. Фирм активно предлагают рафтинг, путешествия на лошадях, велосипедах и мотоциклах. Все больше людей привлекает рафтинг, дайвинг, прогулки на воздушном шаре и многое другое. В Европе, например, этот вид туризма начал развиваться быстрыми темпами и становиться более массовым туризмом в конце 80-х-начале 90-х годов. А у нас в России с середины 90-х годов. Давайте рассмотрим виды экстремального туризма.   

 Водным видам экстремального туризма   

 Diving is very popular around the world. Is diving underwater with a special device that allows the breathing of the swimmer.

Diving is a sport and entertainment together. While diving, you will be able to look into the mysterious depths of the sea, close to observe marine life, to feel weightlessness, in free flight. In Anapa, the diving lovers can enjoy the beauty of the underwater world Black sea and on the Taman Peninsula - admire the reefs, ancient places the ship stops, antique anchors and fragments of amphorae, the remains of fossilized flora and fauna.

Last years the increasing popularity in Russia is ice diving. Under ice diving are we, for example, on lake Valdai. It created a special program "Clean water of Russia's monasteries.

In addition to the Valday, a special group organizes dive close to the Solovetsky monastery on the Holy lake, Balaam on Ladoga lake. You will be able to see the fantastic ice landscapes, galleries and grottoes, washed with water in blocks of ice. In addition, ice drivers are going to dive even on the White sea. The most popular place is here Rugozerskaya Guba at Kandalaksha Bay.

Windsurfing - skating oval plaque of carbon fiber with a rough surface for stability with fins-fins on the lower plane and a small sail that attaches to the Board. Surfing is the same, just without the sails. Actually, Windsurfing and originated from surfing. With a fair wind, can reach speeds of more than 10-12 meters / second. But the record to date, more than 70 kilometers per hour. Windsurfing today is one of the most famous kinds of active rest. Windsurfing is never boring, every day you learn something new every day opening up new horizons while gaining incomparable experience. This kind of extreme relaxation can be enjoyed in the resorts of Krasnodar region. On the beaches of Yeysk annual competitions in this exciting sport.

Water skiing is one of the most famous kinds of active rest. It's a worthy replacement for mountain and cross-country winter skiing. For water skiing you will need four things: water skis, life jacket, gloves and wetsuit. Water skiing is currently being actively practiced on the black sea coast.

Kayaking is a very popular abroad, is gaining popularity in Russia. A kayak is a small fishing boat, in the past, widespread among many peoples of the Arctic (the preserved part of the canadian and Greenlandic Inuit). The lattice frame of the kayak is made of wood or bone and is covered on top by the skin of marine animals. In the top left hole, which is tightened with a belt around the waist of the paddler. Managed two small oars or one bladed. The kayak is almost unsinkable and well adapted for movement by sea.

Kayaking - a sport of individuals is deprived of team spirit, but it gives the opportunity to challenge the elements and to stay with her one on one. In the modern kayaking three main developing directions - kayak slalom, Rodeo and rafting. Slalom kayaking is an ability to maneuver in the kayak, sensing boat and water. Rodeo, unlike slalom, is not only a masterly technique, but the element of the game. Freestyle (translated as "free style") on the kayak is performing various tricks on the boat due to the topography of the river. And finally the alloy. On kayak you can go on a water trip on the river of any complexity or alloys to conduct gaming on a small piece of mountain rivers by selecting individual obstacles, such as barrels, trees and waterfalls and passing them lightly.

If you felt that this is not enough, and you want something new and interesting, try kite surfing. It is a surf Board attached to a kite. This simple device allows you to feel the wind in their hands, slide the Board across the water. Using the wind the kite will tow you wherever you want, and not the wind. You will get an unforgettable experience. This type of extreme sports you can engage in almost all beach resorts of Russia.

The entire length of the valley of Tunkinsky national Park, flows the river of Irkut (translated as "spinning"), in the upper part which will alloy, resembling slalom, as a narrow stream of the river is constantly changing. Travelers should actively work in the team, so as not to miss the right turn in time to Dodge the stones, pull out a raft or a boat, flown on large stones.

Rocky shore with mysterious grottoes and caves, waterfalls, rapid current, rocky bed and clear water in spring and summer attract many tourists. Water tours on the rivers of the southern Urals is represented as nekategorichny alloys, when the tourists no need to have special skills and experience to participate in the trip, and routes for professionals.

One of the most popular routes of rafting in Karelia Republic, in which can participate, even children - rafting on the river Shuya. The river flows by densely populated places, flows in the high banks, covered with pine forests, abundant beaches, and, of course, the thresholds of the second category of complexity.

Rafting on the Katun river (Altai). On the site of the village of Ust-Koksa to the mouth of Akkem river Katun flows in a wide valley; the banks are low, overgrown with bushes. Width of the Katun here reaches 120 meters; the abundance of channels, robberies, Islands, shallow rifts meet, the thresholds and shiver simple. The first serious obstacle in the Katun river - "Akkemsky breakthrough". The threshold is a corridor with a width of from 40 to 80 meters, which the left Bank is rocks and the right is a large rash over which two wooded shelves. At the top the trail goes to the bypass threshold. All the threshold visible on the right Bank.

Obstacles of the Katun is characterized by powerful ramparts, whirlpools and catches. Deserve serious attention thresholds Ilgumenskiy", "Kudrinsky breakthrough", "Sabbath", "Teldekpen-1 and 2", "Ilim".


 Land kinds of extreme tourism
Equestrian tourism is represented in the southern Urals: to climb on mountain trails much more pleasant on horseback to overcome than the same distances on foot. Horses of Ural of Bashkir breed - the result of crossing of steppe horses with forest, who lived to the North from Bashkiria, is surprisingly hardy, distinguished by the intelligence and calm temperament. Equestrian tourism in the southern Ural develops largely through the traditions of the horse in Bashkiria has long been revered as a national symbol. Depending on the readiness of tourists horseback riding tours can be as short walk combined with horseback riding lessons and multi-day trip. Such a trip is the opportunity to cross several natural zones: deciduous forest, coniferous taiga, forest-tundra, to feel the scent of wild herbs, which claim that the famous Bashkir balms, breathe in the fresh mountain air and scenic landscapes.

Еще один способ покорять горные тропы Южного Урала - Велоспорт. Как правило, велосипедные и конные маршруты, предоставляемые автомобильной поддержки, что означает, что путешественники могут в полной мере насладиться скоростью и красотой природных заповедников региона. Велотуризм привлекает не только ощущением скорости, свободы, но и интересными экскурсиями и возможностью отдыха на природе.     

 Mountain kinds of extreme tourism
Climbing is the most extreme vacation. Today mountaineering is a whole industry, which is uniformly developed and popularized. Typically, for climbing decided to choose the summer, when the weather allows with minimal losses to reach the top. However, fans of the thrills do not stop in the winter. And the difficult weather conditions and avalanches only add spice to the journey. Go to the mountains to test themselves, to risk, to overcome all and get to the top. You can try your hand at the resorts of Krasnodar Krai.

The Elbrus region is a wonderful area of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic constantly attracts people who are able to appreciate the splendor of the shining world of the mountain peaks and filled with the aromas of herbs air, a modern international center of tourism, mountaineering and skiing. You will network of rope tows, 12 km to the ski lifts, 35 kilometers of slopes. No wonder the Elbrus region is considered a real Mecca for skiers. Snow cover is established here in November, in the Alpine zone the snow lies till may-June. The route is well equipped and suitable for athletes and for beginners. These trails are considered among the most beautiful in Europe. Beginners will learn to feel confident on the slopes and experienced instructors.

  Downhill skiing and snowboarding
Downhill skiing is one of the oldest kinds of active rest. After years of wanting to go skiing has not diminished, but rather increased. Besides, now the ski service is much better and more diverse than 10 years ago. Ski tourism is perhaps the most developed of the kinds of extreme tourism in Russia. We have enough high-level ski resorts. And although they are inferior to their counterparts, for example, in European countries, our tourists with an average income enjoy visiting the Russian resorts.

Freeride (off-piste)
Descents off-piste course, are the pinnacle of the winter holiday and at the same time employment difficult and unsafe. Increased demands on technology, especially on the difficult snow, becomes a serious obstacle for those who commit their first "off-piste" steps. Difficulties in orientation, the possibility of avalanches and other mountain dangers greatly restrict the ability of advanced riders. One of the best places for off-piste skiing in the world, many include Krasnaya Polyana.

Домбай-один из современных виды спорта, альпинистская, горнолыжная и туристская Мекка большого Кавказа. Здесь состоялся международный конкурс на Кубок мира по фристайлу, Всероссийские соревнования по слалому, гигантскому слалому и сноуборду. Зимой Домбай-это в первую очередь предназначен для лыжников. Лыжный сезон длится с 20 декабря по 15 апреля, и все на склонах найдете то, что вы хотите. Трассы разной сложности - для новичков и опытных лыжников. Снежный покров большой и порой достигает 3 метров. Трасса широкая, склоны лишены излишней крутизны. Домбай-это не только стандартный маршрут, но и большие возможности для фрирайда. Богатый рельеф позволяет проложить маршруты различной сложности, экспозиции склонов дает возможность катания на лыжах в различных типах снега.  

  Air kinds of extreme tourism
Parachute sport is serious and all of the following disciplines imply serious training.

Classical parachuting involves two exercises. First - jumping to precision landing. The second exercise is a complex of figures in free fall.

Group acrobatics aims to build the maximum number of different shapes a team of parachutists. Classic number of parachutists in the team of 4 and 8. There are also teams of 16 athletes. Main figures for constructing is usually announced beforehand, name of these figures give some idea of how they will look: "glass", "star", etc.

Dome acrobatics is to build formations from domes of parachutes disclosed. It is fundamentally different from other types of parachuting, where the result is before opening the parachute (in addition to jumping to precision landing).

Who likes the sky and flying, go to the mountain Yutsa (Kavminvody), which is considered an ideal place for training the para - and hang-gliding; wind rose allows you to fly in almost any wind direction. On the beach in Dagomys you can try to ride the tug with a parachute. You will see the resort from a bird's flight. It will bring a lot of joy and adrenaline.

Ballooning the common man available in various festivals that take place in Russia. The range of the balloon flight depends on the wind strength in a hurricane, of course, no one will fly), with the average force of the wind is 20-30 km. Festivals balloons rise to a height of 1000 meters. The landing area is completely dependent on weather conditions. The best place for a balloon ride - Abinsk.

Abinskiy district belongs to the foothill areas of the Caucasus, and on its territory are many Hiking trails. For fans of mass spectacles interesting will be the visit to the balloon festival, which is traditionally held during the may holidays. In addition to flying balloons on a glade of ancient oaks, you can see concerts of folk groups, taste local food, ride horses, participate in contests and sports competitions.

Opportunities for a holiday - plenty, but the most interesting and remains exciting extreme sport. The above varieties of extreme give vent to the imagination and plenty of opportunities to try their hand: to imagine yourself in a few minutes or hours or a bird, or the master of the wind and waves. The choice is yours!