Don't worry, I didn't feel accused :)
So, if I set as beneficiary @null or would it be ok for you? I can't set @commentrewarder as beneficiary because the author rewards would come back to me (unless I upvote at least one comment, but that wouldn't be a good solution either).
Sorry if I keep asking you these questions, but lately I'm trying to improve my coding skills by developing scripts with real use cases, and I'd like to create this one only if you (and @hivetrending) believe it may have some value and usefulness! If you feel that @commentrewarder's feed is already enough, I have no problems dropping this idea and trying to figure a different one :)
I really like the concept behind @commentrewarder, so I'd like to do something to help (a bit) spread its use! But if can do nothing, that's still fine and I can get back brainstorming new ideas.