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RE: There is a Child Pornographer in Steemit User Name is @iamgod

in #cp7 years ago

I down voted all the chainflix posts. I don't think I want to go to the other page even for a down vote push. I have enough shit in my head from life, I don't think I need to see the mind of a sicko like that. Thank you for bringing this to the community's attention though and we can all work to root this kind of sickness out of here.


yeah, i could not flag very many....i had to look at them before i flagged though just to make sure it was in the child porn area. It was....and I feel like stronger people need to flag it. i totally get you. But it's important for people like myself to bring up this uncomfortable stuff, so that as a group we can discuss our feelings about it. I think we realize that a lot of kids are on this site. It's our job to protect them from harm.

Precisely! This is where the community aspect of Steem really shows its power. As a whole we can take care of this garbage and the more people are aware of the problem accounts, the faster they will be dealt with. Thank you again for helping raise awareness!