George Orwell's 1984 Was Just a Few Decades Early

in #covidvaccinebiden3 years ago

George Orwell's 1984 Was Just a Few Decades Early

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~~~ embed:OHqnYWAmmN4 youtube ~~~

Report: Vaccinated Are Nearly 6 Times More Likely to Die From COVID Variant

The government has created a Holocaust like Tyranny in Finland:

Hamilton Health Sciences takes down field hospital that didn't see a single COVID-19 patient:

THE TYRANNY BEGINS: Jen Psaki: We will be going door-to-door to Americans who have not been vaccinated

New Hampshire Exeter HS Prom: Unvaccinated Students Marked W/ Numbers:

New Zealand: Kris Faafoi Discusses Proposed 'Hate Speech' Legislation:

Britain 5 year shutdown talk radio:
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If Jabbed, Should You Get a D-Dimer Test for Clots?:

POSSIBLE new finding - glowing luciferase at vax site:

FACT CHECKERS: Fake News - COVID-19 vaccines are not called ‘Luciferase’:

Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% Of ‘Verified Cases’ Died Of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 As Claimed:

A Tsunami of Disability Is Coming as a Result of ‘Long COVID’ - Scientific American:

Patreon Is Bankrolling Climate Change Deniers While We All Burn:

Check out today’s video..!


It's good to hear that the development near PV is still at least a year away! I'm really hoping things come together and I can get in there. A year or two from now, hopefully crypto's are seeing new all time highs so I can afford a place there LoL I currently live in Guadalajara, so I'm familiar with the area, and it is beautiful.
The one question I didn't understand is the NFT for the property title, what that means, pros/cons, so I just said no hehe.
Thanks for all the info Jeff

Yeah his NFT comment kinda caught me off guard, I was like wow man I hadn't even thought of using NFT's for property titles, deeds, or other documents. Usually, NFT's has just been associated with artwork afaik. But damn, my mind is blown now. Here's an NFT site that uses this Hive chain too, fast and free transactions and you can probably sell just about any kind of property you want with an NFT smart-contract associated with it:

Is it the highest time for an decentralized political assassination market (Jim Bell's Assassination Politics)?

Jeff you need to report on the Spanish researchers coming 99% graphene oxide in the jabs

This surprised me: "The pure paramagnetism in graphene oxide" ... "our results show that graphene oxide is indeed only paramagnetic" ...

People would rather spend 8 hours a day getting programed by the idiot box then read and think about George Orwells book. Is there any hope or are we fucked?

We're screwed, the only hope is to go knowing. I'm consoled by: This is just a kindergarten school where we learn how stupidity/evil works, lots more lives ahead, maybe even other planets somewhat sane :)

There is no "we". Some go one way, others go another

themtube? dot what.
Dot come doesn't appear to exist, feel free to correct me

How does the Peertube point system work?

Graphene oxide is confirmed in the jabs, and here's some solid science

whats this thing with hanging sneakers from telephone lines? Is it a gang thing? I never got it

I can't help but notice how beautiful it is there! It's definitely somewhere I could used to. I'm gonna research some of the places you were talking about. You never know when you will need a plan B. So far, so good in this very small town in the US, but that can change at anytime. Thanks for your walk and talk videos! They are very informative!

Today it was announced that in Malta we are now not allowed to LEAVE the island unless we are jabbed, nor are we allowed to return without one starting July 24th. Check Times of Malta news, oh they are so proud to be the first country doing so...

22 pages of the Supreme Court to explain that those vaccinated with mRNA can be subjected to "License" because they are no longer recognized as Human Beings but rather as Trans-Humans, and what's more once they become Trans-Humans under license they will lose all rights of Human Beings and by definition, since they are subjected to license, they will become the property of those who have requested the license!

Vietnam is in deeeeep lockdown, 15 days quoted, will be extended for sure. Gov knows people can handle short bursts but not lengthy ones and if announced longer the run on food would have been even more insane. UK lockdowns for the next 5 years? Now I get the whole, "2030 you'll own nothing and be happy". We will give up all our private property in return for debt forgiveness and we will finally be allowed to be free again. So, we will be happy to finally be able to go out. These people that got sick from the vaxxxx and are like, "has anybody else heard of this" are clearly your typical leftist MSM watchers. They know nothing!

Just looking at the map, it will take us about 2 months to sail from Australia to Puerto Vallerta, totally do-able, so yep, we're in, gotta escape this prison island