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RE: The Depopulation Agenda, Mask Insanity, Empty Hospitals and Rothschild's New Govcoin

in #covidvaccine3 years ago

17:23 - the moment directly following you reading your Father stating "I got my two shots from Phizer". The longest sadest moment of heartbreak, dissappointment and realization of a painful, ironic truth. I wanted to give you the biggest hug that moment, I felt like I knew you on a deeper level and its crazy how much your silence said. It also shot to my heart as well and I totally relate to the craziness of how hearing the people you love most are gung-ho about something that in our opinion could be a dire mistake- and it meaning we may never get to be around them again or that we may loose them altogether is a hard thing to come to terms with - its like getting cropdusted with agent orange while eating round up ready soy beans and taking AZT for lack of any other treatments has this entire feeling of what it literally feels like for people who have had to deal with HIV in thier lifetime and that stigma. Now the ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS HOW IT FEELS to HIV/AIDS- but then they go and make it reversed AGIAN! -Where now the people with the jab are a danger to those without it, so now we treat vaccinated people like they are the sick contageous people we need to be safe from. Its so messed up, all these techniques have been practiced and implimented before and we'd be fooliosh to not see them being re-applied but back to humanity as a whole now , not individual minority groups, farmer crops, or computer technology by themselves anymore.

So Monsanto and Round Up is THE SAME FUCKING THING as this Phizer bullshit, where it goes into an environment completely void of anything artificial and contaminates it and takes over the original reporoduction promgram of the seed and makes it a) non-renewable b) non GMO c) only controlled by centralized Patent 'Owner'. Re-Engineered to MAKE MONEY and have ZERO COMPETITION and a living organism that consumes and eventually threatens to assimilate the past of purity and natural order into a psychopathic artififcal unnatural intelligence that was created t0 be the means of power, control, domination and manipulation in order to achieve financially flourishing state where they use it to gobble up more and more power, influence, real estate and resources wastefully as they clamour to hoard and stockpile their own ideas of what will be needed for the future they are trying so hard to create that it can be daunting until you learn just how many poeple are here are on the right side of this crazy time, the light side diminishing darkness and deceit and trickey, not the darkness tryin to hide from the light and using smoke and mirrors to dissolve deflect and destract us from ourselves, by ourselves, feeling disconnected from Source and with few good things to think about ourselves or our neighbour.

If you have been paying attention - WEVE SEEN ALLLLLLL THESE THINGS BEFORE, so why would be so fooliosh as to overlook these key factors that are the indicators of an agenda that is waaaaaaaaay deeper than what we understand at this time.

Microsoft -First in cpu production...
First Anti-Virus software was created to 'protect' ag
ainst the TROJAN HORSE and/or other computer viruses that were a serious threat on dial up.


die-all-yup. Sorry I hit reply prematurely. Yeah - Microsoft (monopoly, AI tech and viruses). Monsanto the takeover of genetic make up and function of all organisms in a crowded environment. The creation of the absurd HIV is the cause 'AIDS' by linking things that were only linkable thru the PCR test (used famously with HIV detection and monitoring those who are disgnosed as HIV+Positive and hurried towards a "solution" that is hailed by the medical doctors a "new lease on what used to be a life-sentance" by being put on a "side-effect-free" (imagine that?) once-a-day 'medication' that doesnt cure, but allows you 'to live with' the rest of your life with a pill a day format, all in the name of stopping the spread of the THING THAT HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN TO EXIST the way that Gallo and M'F'n Anthony FAUCI claim, and they are the culprits of the HIV fuckery that PLAGUED THE WORLD WITH FEAR it had never known prior, until this very moment, some people are still deathly afraid to "catch" HIV and do not realize the same strategy is being applied and should not buy into the propaganda and stigma and fear that all this bullshit must cause for it to be effective and reinforced, no matter how absurd or careless or evil it may appear as.

I have so many things I am working on when it comes to my research but this is undeniable repetition and strategising and collusion with the same poeple even and it doesnt take too much to see it, just a mind that will allow for the real truth to reveal itself to you and you can handle it or wish to be able to through acceptance and acknowledgement.

Oh there is so much more and its so much deeper...Arrr,mateys - were gonna need more bow and less stern towards a future where Government doesnt have absolute power -if it exisits at all.