Welcome to the Gates of Hell, Guarded By A Three-headed Sociopathic Mass Murdering Megalomaniac

in #covidvaccine3 years ago

Welcome to the Gates of Hell, Guarded By A Three-headed Sociopathic Mass Murdering Megalomaniac

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Intro vid: Rant Goes Metal!
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Trump and Dr. Fauci Met With Robert Kennedy Jr. About Vaccines: 12 minute Theo Von video interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.RFK, Jr.:

Here We Go: Biden and Fauci Discuss Requiring Covid Booster Shots Every 5 Months (VIDEO): https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/go-biden-fauci-discuss-requiring-covid-booster-shots-every-5-months-video/

Anthony Fauci Backs Vaccine Mandates for School Children: 'We've Done This for Decades': https://www.newsweek.com/anthony-fauci-backs-vaccine-mandates-school-children-weve-done-this-decades-1624123

New Israeli Study Finds Fully Vaccinated People are at "Greater Risk of Hospitalization” and 13 TIMES MORE LIKELY to Catch Covid-19 Than Those Who Have Recovered and Have Natural Immunity: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/new-israeli-study-finds-fully-vaccinated-people-greater-risk-hospitalization-13-times-likely-catch-covid-19-recovered-natural-immunity/

Bill Gates has major shares in both Pfizer & BioNTech, and an FOI has revealed he is the primary funder of the MHRA: https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/08/20/investigation-bill-gates-has-major-shares-in-both-pfizer-biontech-and-an-foi-has-revealed-he-is-the-primary-funder-of-the-mhra/

Japan Suspects Contaminant In Moderna Vaccines Is Metallic, 'Reacts To Magnets: 'https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/japan-withdraws-16-million-moderna-doses-over-contaminant-reacts-magnets

Australia shares low-dose ivermectin therapy protocol for COVID-19: https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2020-08-19/ivermectin-triple-therapy-protocol-for-covid-19-to-australian-gp

‘Satan works in mysterious ways’: Newscast on Australian TV interrupted by devil-worshipping ceremony (VIDEO): https://www.rt.com/news/532575-australia-satan-worship-tv/

Klaus Schwab's WEF Has Posted Its Latest Dream for Us All: VIDEO https://t.me/JustDudeChannel/8805

Happy Birthday US Fiat Dollar: Nixon's Greatest Crime:

Outro video: ARRR Wars Episode V: Revenge of the Klaus, Return of Super Arrrio Bros

Check out today’s video..!


How old are those cameras they use during the president's press conferences? All you hear is clicking and shuttering that sounds like cameras from the 1950's.

there is no president. and there should be no GOV

Come to the southern tip of Oax Jeff ;)

getting much closer to identifying what's in the secret sauces...

You are my daily meditation, Jeff. Keep doing the videos!!

If the Jesuits are in charge, which they are... And if they follow their original code, then EVERYONE better bow to the POPE, as they are going to erase all of the NON CATHOLICS from the EARTH. This is their perfect chance to do this. ONE WORLD RELIGIOUS GOVERNMENT, together again.

Ohhh by the way, WHY have you not recommended HEX? hex.com When u realise how excellent it is , throw a tip my way.

Facci "don't take Ivermectin it could potentially have toxicity". this guy just never stops.. got to give it to him he's great at his evil job and peak psychopath

@dollarvigilante - some information that ive come across, suggests that shemita actually starts next year.

Love the reports, don't promote antibiotics, it's nearly as bad as quaxines, just listen to Dr Andrew Kaufman, Clive De Carle, Amandha Vollmer, Dr Thomas Cowan. There is numerous remedies for infections, including fasting, that heals any infections.
There is some useful medicines like codeine and morphine and generally stuff that is suppressed.

I was taught your own urine is the best antibiotic for you, designed by you!

20.55 mins - adds a new dimension to the expression "taking the p*ss!"

So great to walk with Jeff and Lucy. TDV TV keeps me sane, steadfast and informed.

Dude you have the best intros and outros of all time high!

I guess most the people they select for those high up positions like president would be vetted and therefore compromised from the off... These people are just actors, in one minute gone the next... It is sad...

try and imagine how all this appears to an aseptic infection control specialist? sooo much bacteria stuck on peoples faces can only lead to one outcome...

oh Jeff you might wanna get the fuck away from that spot, lucys feet are showing you the lightning potential in the ground there, shit m8

Love you Jeff