The Real State of Emergency: Illusion of Reality...and Reality of Illusion

in #covidvaccine3 years ago

The Real State of Emergency: Illusion of Reality...and Reality of Illusion

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Monero is already being accepted on darknet markets for vaxx certificates lol

Doctor in leaked video says hospital's marketing director that COVID-19 messaging should be 'more scary for the public': 'You don't get vaccinated, you know you're gonna die':

Outro vid: The ballad of the Crypto Vigilante - by PIRATE MANTRA

Check out today’s video..!



Our consciousness is the God(Christ) that Scripture speaks of. God became man so that man can become God

the eyes reveal a diabolical reality, whereas through the singular eye of the soul, the diabolical is but a dualistic illusion of a single unchanging Reality. the beginning, the middle and end are just this one moment

Good video ... all time happy to see them :) Not stop and make more them :)

Here is another explanation of the Double Slit Experiment that is much more accurate:

Poor Lucy, too much cheese!

Where is the 12 min video Jeff said would be included at the end?

He forgot! Due to good weed in Mexico.

Ok but entering your information into the database and giving you a vaccine card per lot number is pretty genius. Asking for a would someone go about doing that?

Great report. Thanks Jeff, I know you won't read the comments. FYI Brighteon is the best platform to watch on with no buffering in shitty Australian NBN environment.

100% on the reality consciousness stuff. We are eternal consciousness built in the image of the creator. Most religions have been bastardized

I've watched Ralph Smart for quite a while also btw

I've been watching for a long time .wise person

Hey Jeff! I wish you would understand that what you call meditation, is what Jesus called prayers. You should really focus your meditation to what He called our Father in heaven. You're really on the right track, but you should turn your focus to be in tune with our creator. Allthough I noticed that you started to refer to God lately, and that's good. Anyway I really enjoy you videos, and specially yout love for dogs. I'm a doglover myself. Always have been. I have a Border Collie named Charlie, that I am very pleased with. And your right, dogs are much smarter than humans. Their reality is far more correct than humans. Wish you all the best! You have a friend from Norway in me. A country quite similar to Canada. Both in how almost everybody are libtards, and how we enjoy the forest and wildlife. The problem with a cold country like ours is to survive off grid. It's possible, the vikings did. But it's hard for today's people. So I would really like to get in touch with you. Please send me an email at Maybe I'll sell my house here and join you there. Now the covaids is much more easy here at the end of the world. Everything here is very mellow. And even we are very obedient people, you should be very careful with pushing the limit too far with Norwegians. Then the viking will show up, and civil disobedience is a fact. We had mask mandate here for a while, but I never wore one. And noone bothered me in public. We're known for our ice in the belly attitude. Anyway please send me an email, so I can talk to you. It would be an honor.
Cheers mate!
Morten. ( it's the Scandinavian Martin)

Dearest Jeff, pls don’t stop rambling and the longer your videos the better!

Was it this Aussi guy - you where looking for Jeff? Australia this weekend. LOL

ooo, I actually like this song. Others were, meh, imo. Good message n all, but this actually sounds good imo. Keep up the great work, Mr. Berwick! Your content means a lot to me. I know I'm just one dude, but thanks!

meditation is amazing I reached higher state of consciousness i felt connected to the whole universe(god) but it took some time! people need to be more patient

even the quantum physics says reality is an illusion we only see 10 % and its not the eyes that see, its the brain that convert the reality and its from within to outside (not the opposite) world through our beliefs what we think and how we feel .Brain is like a projector that convert reality from inside to outside. And everything is energy, vibration and frequency.

That place looks beautiful.

Good example right here. The Vax Vs Unvax. The Vax. Brainwashed, Lab Rats, Believing the fake news. And, basically, Mk-ultra to the core. The Unvax. Critical thinkers, Knowing this is a Bioweapon, Knowing they all lied to us, Big pharma, big money. It's all evil.