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RE: Vaxville: The Total Enslavement of the Human Race Engineered by Kill Gates and Satan Klaus

in #covidvaccine4 years ago (edited)

My experience so far is something like: Who? What? I don't even see any content here...

And yes part of me is just playing dumb to make a point. Also, I learned something new. Which is what I get for opening my big mouth.


I can relate...
And i completely get your point.

I appreciate the fact that you engaged with it in the first place and Constructively Criticized it!

I expect @jeffberwick to do a show on this now and have us as callers... Or soon 😐👍

Either way you got the ball moving.


I criticize shit with the goal of seeing an improvement at some point. That's all. I've seen noob 'introduceyourself' posts produced by first time publishers pieced together better than this apparent professional's latest offering here. A couple months back I was seeing similar junk posts 'trending', where the instance of actual content is located elsewhere, and all we get here is the goddamn video description. That's what I'm seeing again here. A commentator here I think twice hinted that I should go visit that site. NO. Why pay people to drive traffic away? That's ass backwards. So I'm done talking about it.