Pharmageddon: The Crony Capitalist, Corporate Genocide

in #covid193 years ago

Pharmageddon: The Crony Capitalist, Corporate Genocide

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Swine Flu Exposed in 2009 - trial run for Covaids, govts bought tons of vaccines and no one really died except from the vax:

All Scientists Forced To Retire After Realizing The Science Is Now Settled: ~~~ embed:1386772066561634310 twitter metadata:VGhlQmFieWxvbkJlZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9UaGVCYWJ5bG9uQmVlL3N0YXR1cy8xMzg2NzcyMDY2NTYxNjM0MzEwfA== ~~~

Corona Investigative Legal Committee:

Texas will never mandate injection. Recognizes natural immunity. No C19 passports EVER and status kept confidential, protected, and secure:

Canada: Home of the CanUCKS - WhatsHerFace: ~~~ embed:U2VVnPUoyT4 youtube ~~~

Image used twice:~~~ embed:1387146359611006976 twitter metadata:TGVpZ2hTdGV3eXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9MZWlnaFN0ZXd5L3N0YXR1cy8xMzg3MTQ2MzU5NjExMDA2OTc2fA== ~~~

Identical footage from almost a year ago during a chemical leak being shown from India right now claiming it's the #CovidIndia outbreak. Still think we're not being conned?:

Erectile Dysfunction Risk 6 Times Higher in Men With COVID:

Why are we still listening to Kill Gates song:

Mask mandate goes into effect for kids ages 2 to 4 in Michigan:

“I want to put an end to all the rumors. I want to show people that there is no danger in getting vaccinated. On the contrary, it will protect us."

Federal Australian health minister Greg Hunt does interview with COVID-19 Great Reset book highlighted behind him: ~~~ embed:1386060599289860100 twitter metadata:QWRyaWFub01henpvbGF8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQWRyaWFub01henpvbGEvc3RhdHVzLzEzODYwNjA1OTkyODk4NjAxMDB8 ~~~

Fake News: Photoshopped picture of Himalayas used to show how Covaids has made air quality better:

Every ‘leader’ in world all read same script about ‘building back better’: ~~~ embed:1386391762239823872 twitter metadata:Q2Fyb2xpbmVDb3JhbVVLfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0Nhcm9saW5lQ29yYW1VSy9zdGF0dXMvMTM4NjM5MTc2MjIzOTgyMzg3Mnw= ~~~

Huge protests in Italy:

Strict limits have been placed on withdrawals per day in #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Hundreds of people queuing up to withdraw money at ATMs (this is why crypto):

JPMorgan to offer wealthy clients access to bitcoin fund:

India vows to HANG officials for delaying Covid oxygen supplies :

IRS is probing the dark web to look for cryptocurrency and NFT tax evasion, says IRS commissioner:

Pirate Chain (ARRR) Price Predictions: Where Will the ARRR Crypto Go After Sky-High Gains?:

Check out today’s video..!


Jeff Berwick - ARRR, hey buddy it's Bill, (Art Director) who created the SeeSomethingSaySomething digital painting I gave you and Doug Casey in Vegas. I've been a member of the cryptovigilante since last Aug. Love the amazing videos you've been creating, if you ever need any more ARRRT(art, lol) let me know - happy to help and hope to be seeing you soon matey, ahoy!

Intro vid made me throw up in my mouth a little...

Me too. I'm not an aggressive person, but watching that chicken neck soy boy sing that song made me want to throw him across the room.

I agree. I wanted to reach through the screen and punch that little pussy.

Need to send that to my normie family... where's the link?

I posted this comment on LBRY, but I am posting it here as well, maybe Jeff will read it and realize there are a few Genuine Pirates out there who love his work!

ARRR Forever!!!

I have said many times, but it is true, so I'm going to say it again. In a previous incarnation, I was a Caribbean Pirate. I was Dr George Wilson, a surgeon, and the Matelot of Bartholomew Roberts, the Tee-Totalling Pirate King. I was a woman disguised as a man, and no-one ever figured it out! My husband Archie was the Pirate King himself, and he had past life memories of that life which were as clear as if he were remembering an earlier part of this life, including that he took hundreds of ships (he said he lost count at 300, but it was probably more like 400, Roberts' actual ship tally was 470). When I was a little girl, I saw Nassau on the Jack Lallane Show, on TV, and I told my Mum that "When I'm a Big Girl I'm going to move to the Bahambas". I loved to watch that show, just to see the Bahamas. I thought it was the most beautiful place on Earth!

Sometimes in my dreams, I remember Nassau, and it's not so much the drunken partying that impressed me, as the raw natural beauty of the place. These days I live far from the sea, but there is a part of me that is still a Golden Age Pirate. It was tremendously violent and dangerous, but we were so free, and we were happy! History records that Captain Roberts shut down the African Slave Trade by targeting slavers and that if he had continued for much longer, the Royal Africa Company would have been bankrupted, ending slavery in perpetuity!

My husband died of a heart attack in 2003 and according to his final wishes, was given a full burial at sea, 40 NM off the Capalaba Coast, South East Queensland. Three months after his death, I discovered the identity and history of Captain Bartholomew Roberts and his Matelot, Dr George Wilson.

God Rest You in Peace, Archibald Robertson McIsaac!

P. S. Pirate Chain? ARRR, it brings a smile ter me face, that it does!

The Treasure Chest does need work though, it be taking far too long ter be countin' the Pieces of Eight!

Thank you for trying to help people and tell them the truth even though you could just retire. I’m trying to warn everyone about the jab; so many don’t listen but there are some who do! Love the longer videos and shots of the good life.

that intro gave me covid


ARRR! 🙂🏴‍☠⛵

I am so glad you're off youtube and don't have to censor yourself anymore; that was BULLSHIT!

I'm loving you on the block chain and your longer 1.5+ hr videos - the highlight of my day! I've been watching you for 10 years now and thank you so much for my new found freedom. I've been off work on disability since they wanted me to wear a muzzle and now when disability is up (over a year from now), I'll tell them to pound salt; I'm RETIRED. Thanks to crypto and all you have taught me through the years. I already do not have to work another day in my life for a tyrant and my 2 siblings are almost in my boat (pun intended, ARRR!) because I got them into crypto. It's just too bad there's no where I can go for a holiday to spend some of this money! Thank you again Jeff for 10 years of great advice and words of wisdom. Kishes and Tacos to Lucy!

There's no saving some people


ARRR to 20 soon hopefully

That would be nice. Looks like today is still in pullback.

I would make everyone in the band take off their mask. They are playing such beautiful music only to have the singing muffled. Now that's a crime!

Awesome video, as usual. Can someone direct me to the link to the "Multiple ARRR-gasms Party"

Here you go matey!

quality as usual. but hey, if the anal schwab is shutting down the internet through this cyber polygon event, would it destroy crypto as a whole? and would we might have to rebuild everything?

If they shut EVERYTHING down (extremely unlikely if not impossible), that would also prevent people from paying bills to all those corporations. Just think of it. It's not possible! Perhaps in areas on and off with rotating outages, but not the whole planet. It would limit the sociopath's ability to steal all our money!

the plan is to do that for a few days, i would say especially in the western societys, so that they can implement the central bank digital currency afterwards to finally enslave everyone

and how does the reward thing work? nothing appears in the wallet.....

Some one has to send you a tip or I think you can earn rewards if you get upvotes as well.

i thought by commenting and voting videos on this platform you get rewarded..

So much valuable info in this vid! Nailed it once again, Jeff and Lucy!

Oh my, what start to this one! Can you imagine down the road, if he survives and reproduces, sad thought that is, what his children would think?

Love it ARRR!

Mr Fraudsi give me vaccines, please kill everyone including me!

I hope that kid in the intro hurry's the F%$^K up and gets his vaccine....although I think the dude has already had too many vaccines. I was hoping to see the yacht you are on amigo. Its a shame people feel envy, you deserve all you have enjoy

ohh i see a small sneak peek of the lovely yacht at the end. I love Mariachi band, wish I was there looks like you guys know how to party. Take cars and enjoy amigo. By the way that was super nice that you gave our friend Max the ARRR, you have a big heart.

ARRR.. that was awesome (' ' ,

It is so sad to see how these autists are being manipulated. In the near future, they will b manipulated into taking their own lethal injections and will die, shortly thereafter...

That is not greg hunt (health minister of Australia), this is

Loving the videos as always. But gonna put something here that needs Jeffs attention IMO.

In 2019 Mr Jack Dorsey anonymously created with help of @Squarecrypto

I think Zenon will be the biggest thing out there to build on in a few years. It's Dual Ledger Technology is built better and safer then all the other Crypto projects.

Their Alphanet launch is nearby so that's still a lot of money to be made on it as well.
But the reason it needs attention is because of what it brings.

They could better have called it Skynet right away.

My financial advice would be to get in before the Alphanet launch and let it grow for a few cycles. Don't forget to take profit before years end as well. Shit will go down again 😂

This is a good guide about Zenon I advise all to read. Skynet is here 😁

Hi guys. I love Jeff's stuff and agree with a lot of what he is saying... I have been thinking for a couple of years that a MUCH more voluntary society would be a better one. Free markets and sound money are definitely the way forward, but I do have a question... what would be the solution to prisons? In an Anarcho-capitalist, voluntary society what would happen if someone were to, say kill someone else, or rape someone, or steal from them?

there is truly only one actual law DO NOT TRESPASS and there would be no prisons if the punishment for doing so was death which is the fundamental principle basis of common law ;)

Apart from the wallets NOT sending during the last ARRR rise because of high trade traffic, I've found it VERY rewarding, personally I got in at 0.85c-$3.00 with 271 coins, I've been buying car parts ever since. Next week when it goes up again we are taking a holiday, then i will buy more during the dip, and so on, thanks for the good information man, my only wish is that i had more fiat to buy more Pirate.

that intro was cringe as hell


you posted a previous video on here right before this one that didn't stay up for longer than 24 hours. It was one which involved you getting drunk on your boat with a mask over your eyes. What happened to that video?

It's cool the way Jeff always mocks Greta

Excellent content as usual! Thank you Jeff & Lucy! "Dr. Fauciiiiiii" hahahah Missing the "muah muah muah fact checkers" hahaha

Just signed up today here, anybody know how to add an avatar? I've clicked on it and it doesn't do anything.

Love how "Zachary's" mask says "ROC". Republic of China? LOL

How do you access the dark web?