Haha a conspiracy theorist with a theory, how mundane lol. Well, if government wants to help us, then they SHOULD simply enforce external borders as opposed internal borders, if anything.
Open Border Prison Planet
One of the biggest 1984 ironies is in the Open Border Prison Planet that globalists are pushing in 2020 like never ever before.
Expanding Tyranny
Instead of talking about the beer bug, people should focus on the engineers behind the bug which probably went black-op in 2015, which could be traced back to at least 2010 some say. To educate the general public, we can simply show people the genome of these alleged viruses that may include things like nano bots and who knows what. Long story short, even a retarded tadpole could eventually comprehend the simple fact that COVID was engineered just like those three 9/11 buildings in 2001 in New York City. People can look at building 7.
Right! There is something terribly wrong with Corona and its narrative, I didnt realize they could have locked the globe down during H1N1 based on those numbers, something like 6 out of 7 people with Corona are asymptomatic? Im not settled on what the truth is yet, there is obvious collusion between Trump and Qanon so you cant entirely disregard their information, I hope Qanon isnt hopium in disguise. Im leaning toward the Q plot, and the obvious, event 201, running a Corona Pandemic right before a Global Corona Pandemic!
Bits and pieces of Q can be accurate to an extent as Qanon can be a collection of different sources and some of it can be misleading and some of it may not come to pass. In other words, of course there are patriots who are trying to drain the swamp. Some of those patriots may be in the Q movement. So, I don't doubt that some people have good intentions. But one problem can be when Q inspires people to do nothing. And people should try to help out instead of only trust the plan. We gotta create backup plans. And then backup plans for the backup plans and so and so forth. It seems that Trump knows about Qanon but from my perspective, it doesn't matter either way. I will assume the worse and fight hard for a better tomorrow, bottom line, cuz better safe than sorry.
Corona Virus
The beer bug is real and not real. It is fake and not fake. It is pretty bad and yet we can fight it. Some people are fighting it. But there are other viruses out there. We have other problems we face as well. So many different things happening, both good and bad. And globalists are trying to release even bigger pandemics, as in worse viruses in the future. Globalists and others have many different plans in their pursuit of world domination and one of them involves getting people used to Marshall Law Open Borders Prison Planet Lockdown which accelerated after 9/11 as they tricked too many humans towards accepting getting raped and Michael Jackson touched all over during full-body searches at airports which is a step towards what is happening now in 2020, that is about 19 or so years later.