Is there even a good side?
COVID19 is a world threat. It has sobered the world somehow.
No schools
Quarantines everywhere.
Locked down cities, counties and countries.
No attending of church in the name of social distancing.
No handshakes, hugs and closeness.
No activities in mosques and sports fields.
Wrestling done in empty arenas with no spectators.
Masks and gloves everywhere.
Frequent handwashing and use of sanitizers.
These and many others are what is left in the tracks of COVID19.
Tough Times
The world is brasing for hard times. Food scarcity is imminent. Most countries will have increased inflation and depreciation of currency value. We have to look forward to hard times.
Good Points
Good relationship in families will be enhanced. Families will have an opportunity of staying together.
People will become more humanitarian. Haughty people will realize they are no better than paupers and beggars I streets.
People will know how God is powerful.