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RE: One World Government Turning On The Heat; Compliant Frogs Boiling Alive

in #covid194 years ago

The biggest scam in history is the holocaust. The jews created the covid lie in order to reduce the non-jewish world population and take the rest as slaves, its all written in the talmud, the jewish bible. Once the jews kill everyone their Messiah will return, then every jew will have 2800 non-jewish slaves. No one in Israel got vaccinated, they got a placebo. The jews control the world, here you can see what jews think about non-jews: Hitler was not an evil dictator, Hitler liberated Germany from the jewish tyranny. Hitler wanted peace and trade with other nations. The jews declared war on Germany in 1933 immediately after Hitler became the leader. Hitler was not jewish controlled, thats why the jews had to take Germany out in world war 2 through their controlled nations like Russia, England and the USA. Hitler made multiple peace offerings before the war, all being declined by the jews. The real Holocaust happened in from 1932 to 1933 when stalin starved 7 million Ukrainians to death. It's called Bolshevism, Bolshevism is Jewism, the jews controlled russia. The Corona genocide is Bolshevism as well, they want to starve the world population to death.


I recommend listening to these two men whom have dedicated years into this subject:

What they have uncovered from these rabbis own spoken and written words needs to get out to masses as they have truly been planning and accomplishing genocides for literally thousands of years...