The 2nd Wave of Any Viral Outbreak is the Worst

in #covid194 years ago


People are tired of hearing about the virus. some call it "the thing that shall not be named," while others merely refer to it as "the plandemic" or "the scamdemic."

I often wonder if the world 100 years ago would have reacted the same way to the Spanish flu, had there been the internet. Today we have hundreds of online groups pushing their own conspiracy theories and ideologies, which are the foundation of all cults in history. Plainly, the world today skates on a thin layer of sanity when it comes to reality vs. beliefs.

Times were different in 1918. WW1 (the great war) was just ending, and many people still crapped in outhouses. People got their news from newspapers, and the ideology of the day was theology. Today the wars are fought by drones and high-tech weaponry, and there is no end in sight to war and occupation on foreign soil. People get their news from news media that serve a single purpose: to indoctrinate you into an ideology. Left, Right, Green, etc., These ideologies are the religions of the 21st century, and each come with their own constitution of first principles.

But I wonder in 1918 When the first wave was over, just how many people called it a scam or a hoax, or laughed the illness off as just another flu? In 2020, everything is politicized. Like I said, the religion of our times. But I wonder what people said back then? when the 2nd wave of the Spanish Flu hit, some cities went into lockdown, shutting down businesses and schools. Other cities did not, and within days there were bodies piling in the streets.

They say history doesn't always repeat itself, but it often rhymes. The 2nd wave of Covid19 is now happening, and it seems that a lot of people are either sick and tired of hearing about it (months ago in fact), or they believe firmly that governments over reacted and are now just trying to save face by keeping the narrative going.

There's only one hole in the plandemic theory: at what point in any of our lives have we seen the entire world agreeing on something? Nearly all countries save a few are in concert with one another in trying to stop the virus. That never happens, almost ever. But that only makes the paranoid more paranoid in their belief that covid19 is a hoax to grab more power.

If you're too special to wear a mask or have good hygiene, then maybe you're too special to be a part of a collective agreement, also known as a society.

Maybe they should bring back the darwin awards...

Stay safe out there.


Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!@briggsy, sorry to see you have less Hive Power.