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RE: Your Comments On The Cancel Culture And Zeroing of Viral Posts on Hive By Curangel.

in #covid193 years ago

I agree that there is a LOT more that content creators could do to promote Hive, especially those that earn their coin in absentia, as it were. This is true for many types of CCs accross the Covid/allElse spectrum and it certainly also includes those that challenge the accepted Covid narrative (Dbroze, Corbettreport, Dollarvigilante etc).

But there are those - like Urasoul, Jasonliberty, who are very present and yet are being heavily downvoted - it seems to me, for holding the basic position of being eloquent and relatively influential/wellknown folk on Hive who challenge the Covid narrative.

There are various reasons given for the d/vs, but, when boiled down (and down and down) to its basic elements, the main one (even if it be the elephant in some room) has to be this position of challenging the Covid narrative!

Again I totally commend you for your seemingly tireless engagement and reasoned discussions.... might you consider contrasting this with the approach of someone like Azircon (who does engage to an extent it must be said) in this very post: where powerFlexing is expressed like a jackboot coming down. I have observed this particular pattern before on various other posts and it is not an approach that seems reasonable, rather one that acts and speaks with awareness of the possession/support of vastly superior forces and thus an assurance of 'victory'.

Whatever your own position on the Covid narrative, I am speaking to you (and exposing myself to Azircon) only coz I know you actually give a fuck about the platform. However, I do not think you can build inclusively by excluding selectively and it also seems that the energy with which a work is undertaken is the energy that resides within it. If this means anything to you, then you will know it is significant.

From my position as someone who sees huge cracks in the Covid narrative and, frankly, wonders why they are not glaringly obvious, it seems that Hive is becoming a version of FB, YT and the rest of the Twittering gang, at least in this regard. It feels like the space in which to express oneself - and report on what one sees as going on (which affects us ALL) is being squeezed.

This squeezing IS going on on the Hive b/c. From what I have seen and read, your individual version of squeezing is free from bullying, free from baiting those with less 'power'. But there is some shit-ugly squeezing going on, at least as experienced by those upon whom the jackboot falls!

.......and, ya know, what if there is a point to that shit about the cracks in the narrative!? - that's potentially a biggie to consider, and therefore, I guess, usually left alone huh?

The extremes look poles apart, yet there is much overlap. We are in this together!

I humbly present you with the above ideas to consider from a perspective on some issues that may well be opposite to your own in terms of opinion, but perhaps somewhat aligned in terms of right action.

You don't need to respond to these mutterings btw :)!


While I don't agree with the ways some challenge the covid narrative or the effects of it that's not the only reason I downvote posts. I removed a downvote from urasoul when I noticed it was downvoted close to 0 on content.

It seems you're assuming I only target covid posts with downvotes, which isn't true. Other than the reason in the initial comment you replied to I also look out for other overrewarded posts of any genre mainly due to autovotes/blind votes like rancho/haejin or other weird ones where certain autovotes keep landing on literally dead silent accounts that only post for the extraction of value alone but not use Hive in any other way.

You saying the covid narrative is being squeezed is easy to counter as it's been a MAJORITY of trending over the past year and a half with so many of these inactive influencers constantly trending with close to 0 interactions or fucks given by neither regular users or those who agree and would maybe like to see them more often. They have the choice to follow and continue to do so but them taking the rewards they've been taking for so long continously is not something I agree with. Doesn't matter if they post about covid, 5g towers or the second coming of christ if it were to happen tomorrow. Eventually it's too much relatively compared to what all other genres/communities are earning from the reward pool and how they use Hive in comparison. Not to mention how bad it makes Hive look to have dead posts with 1-3 views on 3speak on trending constantly due to the same autovotes from the same supporters.

It's weird to me that this is the only time my downvotes are questioned this much from other people, because other times it's mostly the author alone who has something against it (obviously due to rewards). Why aren't you asking me why I've been downvoting certain travel posts or food posts I've initially even voted up myself only to see being overrewarded by the days end on trending.

There might be some purely downvoting these posts for the covid reasons but that doesn't mean everyone is, even so it's their stake or delegated trusted stake and they can do what they want with, if you don't like it then counter them or find more support to (as we're seeing happening to urasoul with newsflash). Will that mean his posts will yet again start to get overrewarded if some of the main downvoters quit? Maybe. Will that mean I'd then start to downvote them again because I don't think they deserve the rewards they're getting depending on each specific post I happen to curate (up or down)? Most likely.

I take your point about being challenged on Covid d/vs but not on food/travel ones. However, in my opinion as one who feels strongly that Humanity is currently being subjected to major psyops which are detrimental to everyone's wellbeing, the issue is of much more importance than food or travel. I mean, the 'covid issue' is itself extremely polarising so it's not surprising IMO that you should rcv a great(er) number of comments questioning your 'squeezing'.

Regarding Covid narrative posts trending on Hive, a few thoughts to offer my perspective:

  • Since Spring 2020, it has been THE dominant topic, trending the world over (both pro- and anti-narrative narratives)
  • Hive is/has been a 'refuge' from the controlled space (FB, YT etc) in which the 'counter' narrative is not being allowed to surface for air. To those that challenge the official narrative, Hive has been one of the places to go to. The trending of such subject matter on Hive does/has also reflected real, live and active interest on the part of users
  • The above co-exists with, but is distinct from, the issue of those content creators who take handsome benefit yet do very little to promote Hive (or can't even be bothered to update links from Steem to Hive)

I also take your point that your d/voting is more balanced and spread out than just on covid posts. I did not actually think it was otherwise with You.

Ok Acidyo, I drop it here: I feel you've listened to what I've expressed and that's good enough for me. I too feel I have understood your position better and should it come to pass (as it well may) that I get a d/v from you I won't sob into my sox :D