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RE: Medical Martial Law is Coming

in #covid193 years ago

You're not wrong and I've been wide awake too, for many years. We have now reached the point - boiling point, where this evil anti-humanity plan can no longer be stopped by peaceful means... No war was ever won without violence. The war we are fighting is against the stupid, TV indoctrinated, gleefully compliant muzzled morons, who either can't, or won't: THINK for themselves. Their obedience to wicked, treasonous tyrants that hate all of us, has enabled and continues to enable this dreadful MURDEROUS agenda being played out in PLAIN SIGHT, to proceed in leaps and bounds. We MUST therefore try to awaken them and help them see the errors of their ways... If they still refuse to listen: TAKE THEM OUT! We don't need the treacherous, obedient collaborators they are, nor do we have time to wait for Kill Gates's death jab, they're all jumping over each other to 'vaccinate' themselves with, to take them down. We need to eliminate them now, for the sake of everyone's survival.
If anyone has a better, more effective solution that has a 100% chance of actually changing the trajectory of this abominable act of genocide, foisted upon us, by our LYING, treasonous leaders who we naively trusted and elected into the offices they're unfit to hold: please advise... We're all ears.