“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” - Mark Twain
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Experts warn Australia at risk of third COVID wave without widespread vaccination
Children in Brazil are dying from COVID-19 at alarmingly high rates
Australians are embracing anti-vaccine Facebook groups filled with conspiracy theories and lies
Scientists build army of 1 million microrobots that can fit inside a hypodermic needle
Public doubt on vaccines 'won't derail border reopening plan'
Twitter suspends Spanish politician's account for saying 'a man cannot get pregnant'
Rebellion Gaia trailer
Tip Toe To Tyranny (End clip)
Commonwealth of Australia States Assembly
Masked Science Resource
Requiring the use of COVIDSafe
Affadavit of Status (pdf)
Notice of Estoppel (42 Questions)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - 200 Years Together pdf:
"The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa
“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth." - George Orwell
“There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.” ― Frank Zappa
“Their stupidity does not amaze me, its when they're smart that amazes me. It's baffling whenever you find someone who's smart — incredible. Soon you'll have zoos for such things.” ― Frank Zappa
"A single person who stops lying can bring down a tyranny" Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
fck the NWO. My Brazilian developer warned be about this in 2009! Its not new
I know you advocate for a different government Max, but I really don't think that government is the answer, at all. Even if we somehow "forced" those elected to use transparency coins like Hive, I don't think this would stop them from making sock puppets and strawmen like they do now. I agree with 95% of what you say though, you are a shining light amidst the darkness we face right now. I also love that you enlighten people to our true history (Tartarians, Phoenicians, atmospheric energy, etc).
My other favorite researchers include Martin Liedtke (FEB), Eric Dubay, UAP, JayDreamerZ, JonLevi, John Thor, ODD, Praveen Mohan, Quantum of Conscience, Shaking my Head Productions, and of course Truthstream Media.
Thank you for all you do Max!! :)
Great, tell it like it is Max!
This is the most ive ever heard you laugh during a video. Its good to see you can smile bud. While kicking proverbial ass.
Another great video Max!
Thank you for all you do!
Third wave of nurse tiktok vids
9,780 new consumers on earth every hour. Hello? Anyone awake? UN world population dashboard, do the math.
Great video Max! Your wise musings keep me sane.
key message about emotional states and choice is ours, thanks