Hello Steemit!
Sorry for the short post , I don't have internet at home for some general issue/malfunction so I came over at a cafe to do this post. I'll edit this later on when I have connection at home.. hopefully later today or tomorrow .. but I still wanted to share my entry for the #coverasteemian initiative ;) .
This time I am covering the very talented @lillywilton , an actress , singer and songwriter that has recently been sharing her awesome art in the Steemit platform .. this particular song of her I really loved and I thought of making my little take on it :D . Hope I do it justice !
Come my way ( My great escape ) - Lilly Wilton
No one ever asked why
I went looking for something more
something more came my way
Passions where tidy
and never hurt , never anything mourned
I went hunting for something wild
something wild came my way
I'll be my own great escape
The roads are wide and still unsafe
And i might fall into the fire
but let it come , let it come , my way
He had lots of money
but down below
a hunger that wouldnt subside
I'd die if I didn't find something more
it never came this way
and she lived for the night time
it made her sick for the day
I thought that she was my something more
But it ate her away

YOU ARE A PERFECT HUMAN AND I LOVE YOU FOR THIS!!!! I'm working on the produced post now.
Omg, Pechi...COOKIES!!! ALL THE COOKIES!!!! <3 <3 <3
It's a beautiful song Lilly .. I really like it :) ! I'm so glad you liked my little rendition of it (without the crazy guitar tuning ... can't play in non-standard tuning ) Thank you for the kind words and letting me upload this ;) ! Much love and cookies!
I'm very far from perfect BUT I accept cookies :D !
waits for cookies......
Awesome! Community thriving = Good.
Love your performance and hearing you sing and play.
Thank you so much @luzcypher ! I really appreciate you coming to visit on these Cover a Steemian posts! :D Cheers!
I think this is my favorite performance of yours yet. Well, I'll always be partial to the Moon Hanging Low cover... but this, wow. Amazing, Pechi. Lilly's gonna die if she didn't already.
I hope Lilly doesn't die :( ....
hahahaha.. thank you Serena.. finally have some internet! yaaaaay....cookie overload
Too late. Literally dying in and around everything.
I killed Lilly :( .... runs away
Awww beautiful!!! I love your voice in English as well ! :)
amazing pitch on this too
Gracias Pris.. y cuando se vienen los temas en español ? ;P !
Con sus Z y sus S hahaha :)
Sorry to go this far before you could post.
I think you did justice to the song, I will check on her page to see more of her work....
Thank you brother! please do! visit her and listen to some of her music ;)
I will definitely do that
That was so beautiful, Pechi! Rises on hobbly feet and applauds wildly!
I just adore your voice; such a softly nuanced sound – full of heart and kindness. It soothes my soul, every time.
Also...lovely song @lillywilton! <3
Thank you Zippy!!
Yeah...@pechichemena really did a number on me here. Le sigh <3
Le cookie <3
I give credit to the nice song ;) ! Thank you Zippy zipsss... much love.. choco and cookies to you !
Hermosa canción. Grande!! @lillywilto saludos!!
muchas gracias :D !
Muchas gracias!! :)
Qué notas tan dulces, barquero @pechichemena. Enhorabuena!
Gracias Karonte ;) !
Your voice soothes the savage beast (yes i just called myself a beast)
A very talented musical beast you are then ;)
Really great interpretation, Pechiche!
You do this style quite well, brother.
Love It!
Thank you Passion bro :D ! I like the ballads... what can I say.. I am quite a softie :P !
Well Pechi does it all well. Nice feels in this one. I dont think i heard the original but i love it. 😉
Viola ?Thanks @silentscreamer :).. don't you think it needs
I think that a tasteful bit of viola would add a lovely touch to this rendition!
oh man, this is pretty nice !! pacefull and relaxing! thanks for sharing!!
Thank you very much @orlandogonzalez ! :D
That was really nicely done!