I was thinking about League recently since Yuumi came out and HOLY CANOLI SHE'S SO CUTE! Cute enough for me to download League again? Hmmm maybe when it's not finals week 😅 I'm aware that the game has changed A TON so I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment (ha) Do you still play? Who's your main or who used to be your main?This is one of my favorite shoots I've done to date! If you're not following Gapple Photos (https://www.instagram.com/gapplephotos/) you really need to fix that!!
Photographer: Gapple Photos
Cosplayer: @giuato

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Thank you! :)
Hey I just met you!
And this is crazy
But my name's Ahri
I'll charm ya, baby!
In all seriousness, that looks great! I used to main ADC or mid caster, depending on what I felt like. Though it was... Not good...
Posted using Partiko Android
Those lyrics were pretty good, lol! And thanks! I was never much good at League either ^^; I just played for fun with my friends!
The hard part for me was the negativity once I hit summoner level 27. By that point, everyone was all "OMG UNINSTALL YOU FUCKING NOOB!" all the time, when in casual matches. It wasn't good for my mental health, I had to get away from it.
Posted using Partiko Android
I really love ahri <3
Thanks! :)
Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!