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Not feeling this proves they know each other in real life, although it certainly demonstrates a camaraderie and at times a common goal. Which is obvious by their own admissions and actions. Not sure what I was expecting really when I said yes though to be fair.

People today (and for many years I noticed when I first got online around aol 7.0) will talk to one another and actually feel they are the best of friends with strangers they interact with online. People who can say they are whatever they want. I noticed this with my son as he was growing up. He has many "online" friends, a few of whom he actually has met in real life and become actual friends with. Most though have been and will always be friendly acquaintances, although he views them as "good" friends. I don't get it myself, just describing what I have seen. Had I not witnessed this dynamic, I probably would have seen more in the interactions you posted, as you have.

Kudos for your patience in searching the chain though. That's what brings me back to your posts. Your posts detailing histories that you have researched fascinate me. Thank you.


Glad you found the post informative. Remember I never said they were 'best friends', or 'good friends'.. Not even one time did I say that. I believe I stated "they KNOW who one another are in real life". But never the words Good or Best regarding the title friend.

The first delegation to Markys bot from Bernie, was nearly a half a million Steem. At the time Steem was roughly 8 USD a share. While it doesn't "prove" in and of itself what I am about to say.. it is yet another puzzle piece.

Would you lend (delegate) some random screen name 414,148.531 Steem.. multiply by 8.00 USD, give or take some pennies at the time, which equals 3,313,188.248 Million USD, to a total stranger whom you have zero basis of trust with, nor know them any deeper than a screen name on some random website. When was the last time you heard of one guy delegating 3,313,188.248 Million USD to funguy69.. a screen name of a person whom they don't know from a hole in the head.

There is no way anyone believes this for a minute. And those who claim to are lying to not only everyone else, but to themselves.

This isn't my first rodeo. I wasn't born yesterday. The puzzle keeps coming together.

Everyone can try to downplay what is happening, but it is extremely evident.


Would you lend (delegate) some random screen name 414,148.531 Steem.

Seems obvious to me (and probably most) that the 1600 Steem payments were the cause of the delegation. Strangers delegate all over the place here to others, and yes I find that strange. Yet that doesn't negate the fact it happens daily a lot.

Not sure why you are now downvoting everyone who doesn't see it the way you want. That action mirrors some of the actions you are always going on about from some of the whales. They don't really matter one way or the other for myself, as in the last 30 days I have only earned a whopping 0.61. Since I stopped posting 4 months or so ago that's about standard, so if it makes you feel better to hit at others because the ones you're angry at don't feel your down votes, feel free to continue on mine. I'm not sweating the half dollar a month and it's worth it if helps you get a grip on this obsession. Plus, let's be honest. Greyed out posts are a reader magnet anyway :)

Just curious why you don't just fork your own chain and run it the way you see being the "right" way of doing it? Investing in more would support that which is driving you to extremes. This battlefield will never be yours, so why not make your own?

Blessings to you and yours, will keep you in my prayers.

Fuck off. You are fake opposition. It is clear as the day is long. Go to hell you cuck bitch. Go suck Bernies ball sack. You like it.