Corruption is like a ghost
That awaits a nation in the dark
It makes children sit on stones to learn
Instead of fine plastic chairs
Corruption roams freely
In the corridors of our nation
It rips even the university system apart
That was once charged with the responsibilities of fixing it
Corruption has invaded our homes
Killed our fathers
raped our mothers and sisters
and sold our brothers into slavery
Not one segment of our society is free of corruption
The Judiciary set to punish the defaulters
Is now a fertile breeding ground for corrruption
Who will redeem the battered image of our judiciary?
Corruption breeds indiscipline and falsehood
It has torn the curtains and veils of temples and churches
Diverted the preachers' focus from soul-winning to glorious prosperity
Helped them allocates special seats in front for public looters
How did we let down our guard?
Systems and structures built to fight corruption, all dysfuctional
Corruption has killed more patients in the hospital than the actual sickness
How do you treat people, with no drugs and sufficient quality equipment?
Corruption has sent us home empty-handed
It left many jobless starving them to death
It has silenced our voice, morality and rationale
It's time to speak up and kill corruption
Corruption is another form of Satan!
Posted using Partiko Android
Far worse than satan
Everyone is involved in this act but in different ways
Posted using Partiko Android