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RE: Corporations vs Humanity

in #corporations8 years ago

People are finally waking up which is the first step. All power on earth comes first from the control of what we use to store our productivity and use for exchange. This power resides with private banks and the world we see around us is what that power has wrought. If we want to change the situation, we need to choose our own money and currencies....ones that cannot be manipulated in the same way as FIAT. After that, we should stop paying for wars, monolithic companies that only exist to exploit us and instead, pay for things that set information free, operate to a different set of standards and seek to preserve and protect us all. Steem or another blockchain platform could do that for us if we combine them with decentralised energy (solar or eventually fusion,) and Internet. Thanks for the comment, I felt I at least needed to have a go a solution :)


I totally agree. Getting away from these 'private' and 'world' banks like the federal reserve bank and many others is the only way to stop the manipulation of currencies. I truly believe capitalism is an entropic force. We've been fueling its downfall and turning a blind eye to deregulation. Hopefully people will start to notice the world has changed -- technology and humanity are evolving, we need to stop trying to recreate 1950 and build up a new kind of world where the people, environment, animals and economy are all seen as pieces of one giant ecosystem.... < end rant. >

It's a good rant and it's good to have passion and show it! :)