It's beautiful spring weather here in the Netherlands.
For more than a week now, and continuing.
Sunny terraces could be crowded.
Women in airy clothing.
Everyone a big smile on their face.
None of these things!
Leaving your home ONLY when necessary!
All these restrictive measures against the Corona virus can do no good to a man.
And this all should come to an end soon.
Just picked up (ordered online of course) some groceries from the local supermarket.

by a couple of onions
Happy Easter everyone, stay healthy!

It's beautiful spring weather here in the Netherlands.
For more than a week now, and continuing.
Sunny terraces could be crowded.
Women in airy clothing.
Everyone a big smile on their face.
None of these things!
Leaving your home ONLY when necessary!
All these restrictive measures against the Corona virus can do no good to a man.
And this all should come to an end soon.
Just picked up (ordered online of course) some groceries from the local supermarket.
by a couple of onions
Hey Boobnions!!!
goed je te zien mijn vriend
Hehe. Can answer you in french, german, english, dutch (ofcourse) and a bit in swedish. But Nigerian, naaah.
Good to see you too mate.
Boobnions, nice touch.
Loool...."bawoni padi miiii".....thats "how are you my friend" in yoruba, one of the most popular native languages in Nigeria
Bawoni padi miiii; sounds like a chinese dish to me, with bats in it, lots of them. Hahaha.
Lmao!!! Yeahhh thats it.
I came for the boobs
Then you came to the right place man. Am a great fan of those "mammalian protuberances" (as the great Frank Zappa like to call them) myself too.
Did take a quick look at your profile and some posts. Interesting is even a bit of an understatement.
In short: Followed!
Btw. congratulations with your wife's pregnancy. Exciting times ahead.
Hehe thanks man. We are pretty excited about the little mini me coming.
And thanks for the follow :)
It's nice to see someone finds my stuff interesting! Hehe
Just a bonus ...
Nice! Seems legit
Damn sexy bunch of onions there Amigo! 😄
So lovely, they could make ones eyes water.
Have a great one mate, stay safe!
'they could make ones eyes water.'
Crying you mean? Just like women ... 😄
They can have an onion effect on men too yes. 😁
...Off topic...
Two Primus songs added to the Popjukebox.
The ones I've sent you, or did you find other good stuff?
The exact ones you send me. 😎👍
Hahaha aroused by a couple of onions? Well that wouldn't be me lol. I didn't know you lived in the Netherlands, surly the cases aren't so much in the Netherland?
Don't even know the exact numbers here tbh.
Bearing in mind that we have a high population density, the numbers are not bad and already coming down a bit I read this morning.
'Hahaha aroused by a couple of onions?'
Think I would have surprised you if I would have said 'carrots', wouldn't I? lol
How'd yer like them onions? Not bad at all :)
Pretty strange being on your own so much, hopefully we'll get let out to see some other onions in the summer.
'hopefully we'll get let out to see some other onions in the summer.'
Wouldn't mind some melons either ...
Here, at the Brasserie ....
haha, indeed :D
Could well be a few more larger sizes about seeing as people are loading up on TV shows and food with f all else to do at present!
Man I never thought that was an onion
Dirty mind though onion boobs then
As they say: 'a dirty mind is a joy forever' ...
t(w)itter ...
lekker laat maar ik was effe time out....hoe ist daar meneer?
welk land verblijf je deze lockdown en is de kater een vaste beste vriend geworden zoals hier? :D
Een wat late reactie terug en voor mij ook een soort time-out afgelopen tijd.
Geen last van katers hier. Geen eens tijd voor. Zoveel werk als afgelopen weken is absurd. Wat dat betreft is de deze Corona periode een uitkomst. Bovendien lekker rustig op de weg.
Nog steeds in NL. Had weliswaar gepland nu eigenlijk wat langer in Zweden te zijn, vanwege verjaardag kleindochter en werkzaamheden aan huis van m'n zoon, maar kom niet de grenzen over. Of misschien wel daar, maar dan niet meer terug.
Dus maar even uitgesteld.
Mjaaaa. Ik denk dat nu volle bak gaan reizen tussen landen idd niet echt al te handig hoeft te zijn. Beter doen als het wat stabieler is idd, dan kun je er wat met een geruster hart verblijven ofzo he.
Zo druk met werk ja? Wat bizar dat dat zo een volle bak doorgaat zeg, nou ja beter dan! Pakken wat er te pakken is effe nu, thuiszitten is anders ook maar zoiets!