Cuomo and de Blasio are lying!!

in #coronavirus4 years ago

When I see an advertisement like this it just makes me angry. Cuomo and de Blasio keep bragging about a low infection rate and the highest per capita testing in the world. Of course if you test people who aren’t sick, you won’t find any infected people.

They are guilting people who aren’t sick into getting tested because they want to lie about their numbers.

The real numbers that are important are being ignored. NYC will never recover. Businesses are shutting down all over the city. The streets are empty. There are homeless everywhere. They killed this city because they want Trump to lose.

4 years from now will it be worth it? Was it worth it to lose your job and your future because you hate the president? The media made you terrified of your own shadow. What’s more scary, starving to death on the street or coughing a few times?

Where is your food coming from? Who’s going to feed you when no one is working? We are all screwed! When trucks stop coming into your city, what are you going to do?

New York is dead. Don’t mourn our death. Just make sure you learn from our mistakes. Get back to work. Don’t get triggered by Trump, he’ll be gone in 4 years.


Cuomo and De Blasio lying? So, what else is new. Jk

Hope 2020 gets better for all involved. I blame this guy for our bad luck.


Jk also career politicians can go away. We need term limits like yesterday.

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