At least that's what Mike Adams from Natural News says. I think he has some great points founded on science. He IS a scientist after all. Check it out, only 11 minutes long, here it is
Maybe I just HOPE there's such a simple way to stop this stupid virus. In case you can't view the video, the condensed version is to do 4 things:
1. Furnish everyone with masks and have them wear them when out in the public because right now we have no idea who is infected but not showing symptoms.
2. Next is to furnish everyone with zinc which has been shown to dramatically help those infected. In fact, almost every patient with serious complications from the virus is zinc deficient.
3. The drug Hydroxychloroquine has proven to be very effective and is also cheap and easy to produce. It's an off patent drug.
4. Everyone going to work or being in the public has to be tested. Half the infected cases are infected by people carrying the virus but who show no symptoms. If everyone isn't tested then there's no way to tell who is spreading it.
The video is very informative and these 4 steps are explained 1,000 times better than I can explain them.
Adams says these steps won't be taken though because the big pharma companies can't make money on them. (Well, we might get to the point of requiring everyone to wear masks). But that's probably true.
Another hopeful drug
This one is called Ivermectin and is an anti viral medicine used on animals but it's been shown to totally wipe out the coronavirus almost instantly so it should be researched for humans.
It may be another cheap and easy to produce cure. Here's the article about it.
I think these steps may be too sensible for the government to adapt, what do you guys think?
Thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!
PS- I just saw this tonight. The first known case of a Tiger getting the coronavirus and coming down sick because a zoo worker had it and the tiger got it from the worker.

He's gonna be ok though. The tiger. They didn't say anything about the zoo worker. lol. The tiger evidently gave it to several other tigers but they will all recover said the zoo. This was at the Bronx Zoo in New York City.

One thing that i find very disturbing here now in this post that animals can contract the virus from humans and pass it on to other animals we are doomed now 🙀
That is somewhat alarming for sure. I don't think that is common or else we would have heard about everyone's dogs and cats being infected. I did read about some dogs in China getting sick from it though. Hopefully it's quite an anomaly.
It is rather really confusing and we will never know the truth of it all there are even stories that it is a sickness that has come from new 5G ??
All i can say for the moment is live one day at a time and enjoy it the best way you can because the world is going fucking crazy 😊
lol..I don't mean to laugh at the last few words about us going crazy but it sure sounded funny even though it's not.
I haven't heard about the 5G connection. Dang, there are too many conspiracy theories to keep up with! But you have the right philosophy about one day at a time.
In these days of crisis we still got to try and keep our sense of humor but unfortunately this is getting hard also for some people but not for Donald Trump with the Chinese virus he has got to be the most dumbest , pathetic human to walk this planet 😆 😆
lol..well I agree with the humor part and I'm not a big facebook fan but wow, I've been going through my wife's feed and people have been coming up with so many hilarious posts and memes about this situation!
We have a choice to laugh or cry so we might as well try to laugh.
The only winners out of this will be the mega cooperations buying up everything leading them to control us and the world so keep laughing and enjoying while you can 😊
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Howdy esteemapp and thanks for the upvote!
I didn't know zinc helped. I've been taking a lot of pills with zinc recently so perhaps I am invincible!
I also wear a mask all the time when walking around in public, so even if I am a super carrier, I'm not a super spreader.
Howdy sir abitcoinskeptic! Yes I've been reading many articles from medical doctors who are having great success with zinc. In fact my step-daughter came down with the virus and she said it was the worst thing she's ever gone through but she had prescription zinc that she started taking and she recovered remarkably fast after she started taking them.
You're wise to wear the mask. Far ahead of almost everyone over here!
There are not enough disposal masks to go round. That is why people were advised to wear a mask only when they are sick. Now that they realized there are a lot of people carrying the virus without the symptoms, they are asking people to wear mask when going out. Our government issued us with a reusable mask. They are made from cloth. Quite thick. Maybe not the most effective, but better than nothing.
The hydroxychloroquine does not work.
Did the good doctor say anything about washing hands regularly, and don't touch your face? Or that you should stay home and not go out unless necessary? Maybe these measures will be more effective. 😊
Wow sir Vincent, did you even watch the video? To say that hydroxychloroquine does not work means you didn't. It has to be used in combination with zinc which it wasn't in the two articles you reference. Plus they have to determine effective doses and other factors in larger studies.
Dang, your suggestions are amazing, no one has ever thought of those! Go to Naturalnews.com and read his articles on both topics and research the medical data and findings which he lists, this is proven science.
I stopped watching after he said, '...halt the depopulation and economic warfare efforts that were unleashed by this biological weapon by the communist regime...' Really?. Never mind... 😊
lol..oh I understand sir Vincent. Well the scientists who have studied this thing say it was man made as a weapon but they don't think it was released on purpose.
We're doing the same things over here of course, cooking up all kinds of deadly viruses but none of them have escaped yet. So it's hard for me to blame them while we're doing the same thing.
So on his point there...sounds a little too far into conspiracy and I hope he's wrong but we DO know that the globalists want to thin the earth's population to about half a billion, that is their stated goals and is even inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones.
So I'm sure they are delighted about this virus.
I don't care if someone says it's a weapon or a conspiracy - the virus is here and it is real and we have to fight this enemy.
As said in my other replies in addition to social distancing and washing our hands regularly we here have the order to wear masks from next week on when we are not at home and amongst other people.
There is no information about any medications that would help, but the zinc sounds good. I haven't heard about the other medications yet, but that does not mean anything, because I never take and medications ;)
For now we have to wait what will happen in the next few weeks when Austria is wearing masks...
Stay safe and healthy.
Howdy sir johannpiber! Well you guys are doing it right by having everyone wearing masks, it is the only logical thing to do but the widespread testing also needs to be done.
Did you say the government there is giving the masks away to the people? I know there has been a shortage but with some major companies starting to make them it should only be a matter of days before there are plenty of them everywhere.
It will also be interesting to see what happens in Sweden because they are, as far as I know, the only country in the world who is doing NOTHING. They think they will adapt an immunity to it. Plus they are largely a scattered population..rural.
And if they fair no worse than everyone else they will be far ahead economically!
Good morning @janton,
I do trust in our government more than before, because our curve is still flattening. After Easter they will loosen the measures if everything is still getting better by then.
No, the government has made a law that the larger shops have to provide free masks, and the shops are giving away free masks when you go shopping, but from next week on they will charge a small amount per mask, what I completely understand.
We will see how Sweden does - I don't know if they are doing the right thing because they have so many more deaths than we have, but the economy lives, that's right.
Have a great day and stay safe and healthy.
Howdy today sir johannpiber! Oh man, that is great if the stores provide masks when you go in . Are you supposed to just wear them one day at a time and throw them away?
Over here they are as scarce as hen's teeth! You can't even buy them online, at least a couple days ago I tried and couldn't. With so many companies making them though, that shortage shouldn't take long.
You guys are doing it right.
Good day @janton 🙂
These are only the cheap masks which should protect the others but don't protect yourself. You can keep them and wear them for a while. I don't know how long they last, because I haven't worn one yet. My wife sews quite nice masks herself, but if I have to wear one I will wear the one I have got from our office I think. It is a medical mask which the doctors in the hospitals also have.
I do hope it is the right thing - let's wait for the second wave.
Yes sir, I am sure it is the right thing but I don't like the sounds of a second wave! I think we can stop it for good and end the first wave. By the way, I was just sent a video about a State Representative who was really sick with the coronavirus and she credits oxychloroquine and zinc with saving her life.
She was going down hill fast but when she started taking those she recovered almost immediately, a few hours she said.
Let's hope it comes the way you think - we don't need a second wave.
They should send some of these medications to England - if Boris recovers everybody will believe it :)
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Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
Howdy there investinthefutur! Thank you and sir @johannpiber!
Thanks for sharing this @janton , I don't know if everything the guy said is accurate but I do know one thing he said for sure is, big pharma doesn't want you to know that there are things that work. The problem is though that big pharma won't make nearly what they could on a patent drug , which is all big pharma cares about... making big money.
Exactly. This plan will never be implemented because of the money, pretty sad state of affairs. In his research articles on Natural News he lists all the clinical data and trials from which he gets his information.
I also watched piece of a video on YouTube about this, but it's too long, so I didn't watch the whole thing. But I can't believe that tiger got infected!!! That is weird! Well, that just proves animals don't belong to ZOO!!!
Howdy Miss Lena! Oh, that is a good point. If tigers aren't close to us we can't infect them. It is strange and they didn't say if they gave them anything or they are just recovering because they have strong immune systems.
That's right!
I think Mike Adams is being overtaken by bad data. He needs to make sure that he has sound data before making any models. I want to expand on this theory when I have more time but I will base my thesis on the Highwire.
Howdy there nutritree! I'm sure you are correct, what is the Highwire?
I am totally wrong. Look at my rep. Im never correct based on this phony number. Here is the real medical science journalist former producer for the doctors. https://thehighwire.com/
Howdy again nutritree! Yeah how did you get that rep number? Weren't the censorship folk downvoting you all the time?
That sucks but I don't go by rep numbers, when I see a number 1 then I know it's not a normal situation!
Del Bigtree..what an interesting name. It looks like a very interesting source of information! I'll catch some of his fb broadcasts. thanks for the information!
Del Bigtree and the Informed Consent Action Network http://icandecide.org are the people taking the gubment to task on all of their vaccine lies.
I remember conversing with you during the flag war I was involved in and thank you for not placing stock in a manipulated number.
Great memory nutritree! That organization looks awesome, God bless them!
In a way your number 1 rep score is kind of cool because it's so unique. And it will open some people's eyes if they ask about it and you get to explain about the censorship that went on and is probably going to happen again, hopefully not to you.
I have enjoyed those questions about how it got that way. I get to simply say that I stood for free speech and flagged the whales.
Thanks for sharing this info, those are things I was told to do by my nephew who is a doctor, that drug apparently is beneficial so why they do not mass produce it is beyond me!
I also saw the news about the tiger tonight, thought animals could not get it! I wonder how they cope with it?
Howdy lizelle! I hope the animals have good immune systems to this thing, that would suck if it started spreading among our pets!
Oh your nephew is a doctor, excellent! Well people say if big pharma can't make money on it then they won't consider it. I hate to think that way but it does appear to be true. That's sad.
That's all very sad indeed, and very bad too, apparently those tablets are made in China I'm told and are not in big supply!
There's a study going on that the decades long BCG vaccinations program here is giving us South Africans protection against the secondary lung infection this virus brings about. Our Covid numbers have kept quite low ..for now at least so I'm hoping that is the case!
Oh, that is very interesting about your numbers down there, no wonder I haven't heard much about South Africa!
Our administration is starting companies up in this country that can make key drugs so we don't have to rely on China for them so that is one good thing coming out of this.
Tiger....why would they even think to test the tiger??
Good question sir simms50, I think because one of it's care takers came down with it and since the tiger got sick that's when they got suspicious. I would want someone else to get the swab from the tiger's mouth though!
Mornin’ Cowboy! It would be great if there was a quick simple solution before any more deaths.
The 5G idea by @bigsambucca has been tossed around as a possible reason for the virus. All these huge cell towers and wires around the world makes one think of how good is that for our health.
Howdy today redheadpei! Yes all those towers don't seem like they would be good for anyone.
However, Sir smithlabs is a scientist and researcher and he says the frequencies they put out are harmless to humans so I hope he's right.
Iodine is proven to work over hundreds of years. No doctor advises it although most people have a huge lack of iodine.
So many people/scientists, so many different opinions.
Howdy wakeupkitty! That's a great point and I think it should be a basic element that needs to be taken because like you said, almost everyone is lacking in it!
It would help for sure. You only need to take a tiny bit to kill viruses, bacteria, protozoa etc within 15-30 seconds amd no resistance. Isn't it weird it's not adviced? 💕
I guess that would be too simple and cheap! lol..it makes not sense why they don't do these things!
That must be the reason. Pharmacy won't earn much plus all those busy doctors are useless. It's hard to buy iodine I can tell you. 💕
Oh it is hard to buy iodine? I have never looked in a store but see it advertised online in different places so I would order it from a website.
Yes it is, esp since it is since years no longer used to defect wounds.
I had a hard time finding "kelp" tablets online and the amount added to salt will not be sufficient besides I hardly use salt. It makes me feel sick. 💕
Hi @janton! I'm familiar with Ivermectin and just heard that it may help with covid-19. Interestingly, Michigan Rep Karen Whitsett (a democrat) just spoke within the last 24 hours about Hydroxychloroquine along with zinc and azithromycin. She credits it with saving her life and even included our President in her credits. I certainly believe in the covid-19 virus existence but I do question the origins of it and how it may have been released. I'm not completely "sold" on the tiger story as of yet. Now, some Governors are banning the use of Hydroxychloroquine which makes no sense to me. I'd rather try that protocol than go on a ventilator. Hopefully, I won't need either though. Stay safe and well there in Texas! Here is just one link (hope you don't mind me posting it) to the Karen Whitsett info and it was on more than just Fox News 😉Ps..a lot of money in being and staying sick..just saying! Not as much money in a simple and inexpensive cure either! 🤨
Howdy deerjay! oh man, thanks for sharing this link and story, I haven't heard about this situation. Yes it's a tremendous protocol and it seems that Ivermectin is just as good if not better but I doubt if either will even be tested by the major labs.
I think big pharma has their heart set on a big vaccine for everyone costing the government billions.
You are doing well though? Are you guys totally quarantined?
You're very welcome! I think a lot of people will opt out of that "vaccine" if it happens. Doing okay, most everything shut down except a few essential stores. Husband works in a grocery store which worries me a little since he has asthma and no spleen. keeping my fingers crossed and saying Prayers that he doesn't come down with anything though.
Howdy today deerjay! Oh, your husband works at one of the few places left open and I bet they're busy. Are they limiting the number of shoppers at a time and cleaning like crazy? Glad you're doing okay. This will be over pretty soon I think.
Hi @janton!! They are cleaning a lot and super busy. Not limiting people in but put up distance markers around the check outs. They are super busy and it's one of the highest grossing stores in the city. A lot of shoppers are on assistance and got double and a half help this month. Most will also get the stimulus in a few days too. I wish the store would give the employees masks but they haven't. Hope you have a Happy Easter!! 😊
Well that sounds like a very important job deerjay. I'm surprised that the store hasn't furnished everyone with good masks though!
Mike Adams Rocks...!!!
He has spoken about the 5g being a factor also. As it is known to weaken the walls of a human cell thus making it easier for any virus really to enter and infect. Nothing good about 5g. Except the upload and download speeds for the nerds. Oh and the Control freaks that want seamless control of the drones and auto drive cars, and eventually robo cops. A Terminator/Matrix like future has begun.
Great news tho, We will be long gone B4 it gets really ugly..... Maybe....!?!?
So Say We All.....
(Src-Battlestar Galactica meme search)
lol...I couldn't disagree more with that meme! But, I'm glad you like Mike Adams. I think he's awesome too.
I think he goes too far in some of his dooms day predictions but on the other hand he wants to help people prepare so if they follow his advice lots of lives can be saved.
I keep hearing mixed opinions about the effects of 5G so that is certainly going to be interesting to see if it messes people up and causes more illnesses. Can't escape it since it'll be everywhere.
Bottom line: I think we're looking at a very bright future indeed. I think the virus will fade out much sooner than anyone thought and we'll be tremendously prepared for the next outbreak of whatever.
I think we're a hundred years away from the end of the world and we're entering, especially the United States, a new golden age of unheard of prosperity, health, and longevity with absolutely stunning medical breakthroughs and cures for cancer and all the really bad diseases.
That's my story and I'm stickin with it! lol.
Mmmmmm..... Yum yum.
Are those happy pills chocolate flavor....?
If they are they may just be M&M's and your just an optimist. If they taste nasty then You have been eating to many and Your Loopy...... Lol
Glass 1/2 Fool...???
My glass is half empty, and I got a can of woop ass for whoever put their filthy lips on my glass and drank half of it...!?!?
(src-happy pill image search)
lol...well we have major problems as always but at least in America we've been kicking butt and things have never looked so good.
Joblessness is at a half-century low. Wages are rising at the fastest pace in more than a decade - and climbing fastest for low-income workers.
American life expectancy has never been longer. Living standards have never been higher. Educational attainment has never been greater.
Cancer is in retreat. And will soon be history like many major diseases. Violent crime is in a long-term cycle of decline. Domestic abuse is down. So is the divorce rate. And so are abortions which have been a terrible blight on our land and an abomination to God.
Air and water quality have been improving for decades. U.S. carbon emissions are lower every year.
Our economy is the envy of the world. We have the strongest economy, the mightiest military, we're leading in many technologies and innovation.
Median household incomes and net wealth have never been greater. There are more opportunities than ever before.
Politically...wow, so many great things happening there, the few bad things are WAY overshadowed by the great things which are moving the country back from socialism. Trump will be re-elected to keep that going, then Pence will serve two terms.
Spiritually...oh my gosh don't even get me started! The Spirit of God is moving across this land like never before. Yes, churches are dying. That is the old, mainstream liberal churches are dying.
The greatest and fastest growth is in home Bible studies, groups and churches that actually believe the Word of God and in it's Power and THAT is where the Holy Spirit is working to change neighborhoods, cities and the country!
I'll stop now but I could keep going. And no, I'm not just an optimist, I study the real data. The stuff the MSM will never tell you about how it's really going.
ourworldindata.org and humanprogress.org.
I watched the Mike Adams video and I believe this guy is a total wacko. It's a shame because his suggestions about taking Zinc and wearing a mask and doing more testing etc all sound good. Hydroxychloroquine is NOT yet 100% proven but it may well turn out to be effective. If I had the disease I would try to get on it for sure.
HOWEVER, when he starts talking about "depopulation", that's a huge red flag. This guy is a conspiracy theory nut-job. If covid-19 is a communist plot to depopulate the world, it's doing a very poor job. We've had a little over 88,000 total deaths so far and that's awful, but we lose over 57 million people in the world each year from all causes. 88,000 is not getting the job done if that was the plan... thank goodness! Other conspiracies claim it's Bill Gates or 5G towers causing the disease. Please... can't we just grow up and stop talking such bullshit? That's aimed at Mike Adams, not at you, @janton.
p.s. I also believe the earth is round not flat, the moon landings did indeed happen, and there are no aliens living inside Mt. Shasta, California. Conspiracy theories be damned!
Howdy sir Keith! lol..well as far as Mike Adams is concerned, I listen to his nutrition stuff because that's his specialty but I don't pay much attention to the other doomsday stuff.
Most scientists think that the virus was engineered but not released on purpose. They think it was an accident. Like you said, it wouldn't make much sense to release something so mild for most people.
And I can't hate the Chinese for working on that stuff when I know we in the U.S. is doing exactly the same thing, cooking up who knows what kind of deadly, horrible bio-weapons! Just lucky that SO FAR none have escaped.
What's this about aliens in Mt. Shasta? I love alien stories, but I never heard of that one! lol.
I haven't heard or read a single scientist who said it was a weapon, but I've seen plenty who said it isn't. With that said, sure... it could be a weapon, and it could have escaped by accident. But I don't think it's a doomsday weapon designed to kill BILLIONS, and if it isn't that then it doesn't make sense to talk about "depopulation". What kind of half-assed depopulation weapon would it be that killed 88,000 after four or five months?
Mount Shasta... In the summer of 2014, I was stuck in a traffic jam in the southbound lanes of I-5 caused by a big accident. Mount Shasta was right there, lit up by the setting sun. The road was shut down for about a half-hour while we waited for tow trucks to come up from Yreka to clear away the wreckage. Everyone got out of their cars and walked around and a local was telling anyone who would listen stories about hollow earth and aliens living inside the mountain. He claimed he saw UFOs flying in and out of the mountain just about every night. Quite a story. Another local came up to me, rolled his eyes and said: "half the people around here are straight-up crazy!"
You can read some of the Mt. Shasta stories here: https://ufo.fandom.com/wiki/Mount_Shasta
Masks are a great option... if we had any! Here in Minnesota, where 3M is headquartered, we can't get them. The feds have basically stolen them for use elsewhere. I might also add that the Mayo Clinic is based in Minnesota and is one of the leading research hospitals working on testing and cures.
The mask shortage has prompted some people to make their own. Some have gotten pretty creative! One lady made one that looked like a huge open mouth with tteeth. Maybe there will be a market for designer face masks if this goes on long enough.
I'm getting ready to do a post about redneck masks. lol. Dang, they should start becoming available since so many companies are making them now to help out, pretty soon we'll be flooded with millions of them for each city.
Thank you for this! I hadn't heard the zinc connection.
#posh - proof of share on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/tea_in_carolina/status/1248975395958984704
Howdy carolkean! Yes Ma'am my pleasure. I didn't know that zinc was a key component of our immune system either, until doctors started telling how to boost our immune systems because of the virus.
People found out about it though and now it might be hard to find. I searched everywhere on the big vitamin sites because none of the local stores had any.
Neither did any of the online stores but I found it on Ebay.